Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

James' POV

"I better go home and check that Sphinx got there okay," Isabella said.

I glanced at Ben. He was still shoving a burger down his throat and grease was dripping down his fingers and chin. My burger sat cold in front of me. I had been watching Isabella eat instead of eating myself for reason I did not know.

"Okay," I said. I wanted to offer to go with her, but I knew I shouldn't. She needed space and I needed to talk with Ben.

She gave me a small smile and leaned her head back to set a quick kiss on my jaw. I loved when she did that. I grabbed her chin as she turned away and planted one on her lips. Soft and plump. Tasty, too. I wanted more. A lot more. I groaned and let out a strangled growl.

She laughed at me and pulled back to look up through her lashes at me. Fuck, she was hot. She knew it, too. She slid out from our booth and grabbed her purse, slinging it over her shoulder. She started to turn away and then stopped and stared at me for a second. She bit down on her bottom lip. Shit, I was gonna get hard right here in this booth. Did she know what she was doing?

Warily, she opened her mouth. "Did you want to come with?"

Shocked at first that she had asked I just sat there for a second. Shit, did I ever! Here I held back asking to go and then she asks me? Ben coughed from across the table and I realized I had practically forgotten he was there—once again. I sighed, "I can't, Angel. I have pack business."

She eyed Ben and then looked at me. "Alright," she nodded. "Well, you can come by later if you'd like," she suggested nervously.

I grinned, "Angel, I wish I could go with you now. Don't get me wrong," I assured her.

She rolled her eyes but I heard her heart slow down a little. Why had she been so concerned?


I nodded, "Later."

She smiled then furrowed her brow and peeked at Ben. "You're welcome to stay on my couch, too, Ben," she offered.

I couldn't help it—I was probably beaming madly at her. My Luna. Taking care of pack needs. She was going to be great—she already was.

"Thanks, Bella. I appreciate it," Ben responded.

Isabella nodded and then leaned down to kiss me one more time. "Good luck, Alpha." She winked and then headed towards the door. I was inclined to whimper.

"Cheer up," Ben said.

I turned my attention back to him. He was grinning at me with amusement.


He snickered, "You're practically her bitch."

"Shut the fuck up," I ordered him and then, more quietly, "and don't tell anyone."

"If it makes you feel better, I think you'll regain your footing more once you mark her. You're wolf is probably in high stress."

I nodded, "Yes. It's hard to focus."

"She is a stunner," he shrugged.

I growled. "Mine."

"Calm down big boy!" Ben teased. "I'll keep going for the blondes."

I snorted and relaxed a little. "You can have as many as you want."

"And I will." Ben took a french fry and shoved it in his mouth. He ate like a wolf. "How'd she get her teeth in you anyway? And you didn't return the favor?"

I grimaced. Was this all he'd talk about? "Full moon."

Ben raised his eyebrows and then instantaneously started whistling Marvin Gaye's "Let's Get It On."

I grunted. Yeah—getting it on that one fucking time. I couldn't stand it. Her presence was an aphrodisiac.

Ben smirked, probably guessing what I was thinking. "It is fucking weird though, man."

"Yeah, I know."

"And fucked up, too. The whole parents situation. This whole time...."

"Yeah, I know. I just told her last night."

"Tough cookie."

I chuckled, "Yeah, but I'm still worried about her."

"She seems okay."

"Yeah," I said and paused. She seemed okay, but I wasn't sure. "Turning the pack around is really important."

"Right," he nodded. "So, where do you want to start?"

"Well, we need to right some of our wrongs. Peace treaties? Peace offerings? Let people know we're turning over a new leaf."

"There's a long list of people we've fucked over," Ben said cautiously.

"We'll start with other packs who are established. Unfair trades—not helping when they asked."

Ben nodded, "Alright, I can draft that list."

"Good. Then we need to seek some rogues out. See if they're sane. Give them a second chance."

"Rogues?" Ben asked.

"People who have left instead of joining our pack when we took over," I explained.

"Yeah, I get it. But, rogues? That could be dangerous."

"It will be. Danger has never stopped us before," I said decidedly. "Our Luna is a rogue," I added as an afterthought.

Ben sat back slowly and nodded. "Alright. Speaking of—the pack is going to need to know ASAP."

"I'll make a speech. Can you have your mother and the other ladies start planning. It's a celebration," I told him.

"On it. When will it happen?"


Ben took a deep breath and shrugged, "Okay. We're doing this?"

I snorted, "Yes."

He leaned forward and looked me in the eye. "Alright. I'll stand by you. And your mate."

"Thank you, Ben. It'll be easier with you by my side."

"Speaking of your mate though. She'll need to be there. They'll need explanation. You can't just come back from your trip and say all is well now. You were supposed to avenge our pack by coming here. They need to know."

I sighed. I was worried. She needed to see my pack as much as they needed to see her. But I was worried. For three years I had rallied that I was going to kill the people who had killed my family and now it was going to be a complete one-eighty. People would be confused. Some will not agree—be angry. And some aren't going to give Isabella such a warm welcome. I knew that. I wanted to protect her, but I won't be able to be with her all the time. And she has her life here. Her sister, her niece, her high school...Todd. We had a lot of shit to figure out. But we'd have to deal with it in time. Take it one step at a time.

"I'll ask her to come tonight."

"She'll say yes, won't she?" he asked.

"Yeah." I hope so.



Question: Which character do you want to see more from?



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