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Maddie's POV

It was all in slow motion, we were just playing for our team for Basketball Team. Willow passed the ball to me and I tripped over and buckled my knee. That really hurt. I sat there with holding onto my knee. 

"MADDIE!!" I heard Diggie and my dad yell my name. Everyone came rushing over to me. 

"Mads, are you okay?" Diggie asked me. I shooked my head. 

"No. I think I've buckled my knee." I say. The paramedics came over and examined my knee. Diggie kept his hand on my back. I looked at the paramedics, painfully. 

"Is she going to be alright?" My dad asked one of the paramedics.

"Well, she has definitly buckled her knee. It looks like she will need to have surgery tomorrow." One of the paramedics exclaimed to my dad while the other paramedics wrapped this purple bandage over my knee. 

"Aww, my poor baby girl." My mum exclaimed. Normally I would be embarrassed by this but I was into much pain to feel embarrassment. 

Diggie picked me up into his arms and we all began to walk to the van. We got into the van. I leaned my head into Diggie's chest. He stroked my hair, saying everything's going to be alright. I smiled slightly but I don't know if my knee will heal or I'll able to play basketball. 

When we got home. Diggie carried me in his arms into the house. I still kept my head into Diggie's chest. 

"I'm her father. I should be able to carry her." My dad says. I groaned inside. I love my dad but I prefer to be in Diggie's arms than my dad's. They almost dropped me until Willow got hold of me.

"I've got you Captain." Willow says, as she placed the couch. I prompt my sore knee up. 

"Will somebody please tell me what happened to Maddie." Liv asked everyone, as she was worried about me. 

"She hurt her knee pretty badly." My mum says, softly. 

"It buckled as I fell over." I say, painfully as I put my hand on my head. Diggie rubbed my shoulder. 

"Ooo buckled, that's only good on belts and sporter mats." Joey says, as he sighed painfully. Yeah it is, at least he can't feel any pain on his knee. 

"I'm going to need surgery tomorrow." I say, Liv puts her hands over her mouth shocked. She sat next to me and hugged me gently. I hugged her back. 

The Next Day: 

Diggie's POV

Maddie is having her surgery on her knee today. She's in her hospital bed right now, and I'm beside her and of course her father's in here. I'm sure he's not that keen into me. I gave her hand a gentle squeeze as I looked at her with a smile on my face while she did the same. 

"I'm scared Diggie..." Maddie whispered to me. 

"There's nothing to be afraid of Mads. You're Maddie. You're strong. You can pull through this surgery." I exclaimed. She leaned over and hugged me. I hugged her back. 

"I love you Diggie." Maddie says. 

"I love you too, Mads." I say while kissing her forehead. Her father sighed at this as we had to pull away. We heard the door open and Maddie's mum came in. 

"Honey, let these have their alone time." Maddie's mum says as her father heavily sighed at this and left the room with her. 

"Looks like it's just us two." I say. 

"I know. Finally. Haha." Maddie says. I love that laugh of her's. The doctor came in and said that it was time for her surgery. I got up and kissed her forehead. 

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