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Violetta's POV

I couldn't believe that Priscila and Ludmila would try to hurt Angie. I was trying to get in touch with my dad but he wouldn't answer. All of a sudden, I felt someone push me down the stairs. I kept tumbling down the stone brick stairs until I went unconscious. 

Leon's POV

I was playing with my guitar until I heard my phone ringing. I went to go and pick it up, and answered it. 


"Hello, are you close to Violetta Castillo?" This operator asked me, my heart began to pick up. How would they know Violetta?? 

"Y-y-y-yes...is everything okay??" I asked this operator, nervously. 

"Someone has winced her falling down the stairs. Lucky enough, there was this couple there and called the hospital. She is being rushed to the hospital right now." Wait, my Vilo has fallen down the stairs?? Where??

"Excuse me but which stairs did she fall down??" I asked, worried.

"These stone brick stairs." I knew where she was talking about. I said thanks, and quickly hanged up. I quickly went to get my jacket and bolted out the door. I rushed over to the hospital. I rushed over to the front desk. 

"Where is Violetta Castillo??" I demanded the receptionist. I need to know where she is right now. She was typing something in. 

"She is in room 103." She says, I thanked her and went to Violetta's hospital room. I opened the door, and saw a nurse in there and an unconscious Violetta in her hospital bed. I went over to her hospital bed. 

"Hi." I say, while patting my legs.

"Hello, are you her boyfriend??" This nurse asked me. My feelings about Violetta is very confusing right now. 

"No ma'am, she's just my friend. Anyways, how is she?" I asked her.

"She's going to be fine. We will keep her here overnight, and if she rests at home enough, then she will be okay." The nurse says. 

"At least, that's a relief." I say, relieved. At least, it's not anything serious. 

"Well, I will leave youse two alone. I will get the doctor, and he will tell you the rest. Also, she has an ice pact on her head, as she hit her head really hard. Just make sure, you don't move it." She says, as she leaves. 

I sat down next to Vilo, in a chair. I took her hand into mine. She looks so beautiful while sleeping. 

"Hey Vilo, it's Leon. You're going to be alright, and I will be right by your side." I say to her, as I squeezed her hand, gently. 

I heard the door open, I turned around in the chair a bit, still kept a firm hold of her hand and saw it was the doctor.

"Hello, you must Violetta's boyfriend." He says.

"Nope, just a friend."

"Oh, anyway, Violetta has suffered concussion as she has hit her head really hard. We will keep her overnight, to make sure everything is fine. She should be waking up any minute now." He says, while looking at her clipboard. After he leaves the room, I heard a groan coming from Violetta. I turned around to her, and saw her eyes were fluttering open. I stroked her hair, and softly smiled at her.

"Hey." I say, and she smiled back to me, but in a small smile.

"Hi..." She says, as she began to look around, confused.

"Where am I??" She asked me. 

"You're in the hospital. You fell down the stairs." I exclaimed to her.

"I fell...ow, my head hurts..." She says, as she lifted her other hand to rub her head. I kept the ice pact on her head. All of a sudden, we heard the door open, and in came a very worried Francesca and Camila. They rushed over to her, with worry written out on their faces. 

"Oh my gosh, Vilo, are you okay??" Francesca asked her, worried.

"I'm fine. Just my head hurts." Violetta says.

"What happened??" Camila asked her, worried.

"I think I can remember someone pushed...me...down the stairs..." Violetta says, as she relaxed against her pillow. Wait, pushed?! Who, in the world, would want to push our prescious Vilo down the stairs??

"You got pushed down the stairs?!" I exclaimed, worried and angry on the inside. She nodded her head nervously.

"Who pushed you down the stairs??" Camila asked her, worried. I could clearly see in her eyes, that she was angry. I wanna kill that person who would want to push my Vilo down the stairs.

"I think it was Ludmila." She says, in a tired tone. 

"Are you sure?" Francesca asked her worried. 

"Yeah, as she was the person I was talking too before I got pushed down the stairs." Violetta says. Francesca and Camila decided to leave afterwards. German and Angie have also came in, worried. They asked who it was, and she said the exact same thing to them. They were the last ones to come visit her, as I think she was starting to get an headache. So I asked them, to make sure no one else visits her tonight. They nodded in understanding. 

I stayed over night with Vilo, I told her to sleep as I think she might feel a lot better if she sleeps. She agreed with me, and went into a deep sleep. I also hummed myself to sleep, I was humming 'Carry My Heart'. I woke up, and noticed it was the morning. I looked at Vilo, and noticed that she was still sleeping. 

"Morning Vilo, hope you feel lot better today." I whisper into her ear. I also kissed her on the forehead. She woke up to me. 

"Morning..." She says, while having a yawn.

"You feeling any better?" I asked her.

"A bit. My head doesn't hurt that much now." She says. I was relieved. 

"Well, that's good."

The doctor came in, and said that she could go home today. Angie brought her clothes in for her. I stood outside, while she got changed. She came out, and I took her into my arms. I was glad that she was feeling a bit better today. 

"I'm glad, you're feeling a bit better Vilo." I say while pressing multiple kisses against her head. I put my arm around her, and we began to walk out of the hospital with German and Angie.

 I put my arm around her, and we began to walk out of the hospital with German and Angie

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