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Lily's POV

It all came so fast ... first, I was walking with my BFF Miley, and my boyfriend, Oliver until I was crossing street; Miley and Oliver, yelling for my name.

"LILY!!!!" Miley screaming for my name.

"LIIIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Oliver definitley screaming for my name.

I turned around to them until I saw a car zooming right to me, and all I could see was black ...

Oliver's POV

When I saw, Lily's body going up to the air, and land landing with a thud. Making all life gone. I was frozen, I couldn't move as I saw the love of my life get hit by a car! I was feeling shockness then I was feeling angerness as she is the love of my life, and now I'am feeling mix emotions. As I was standing there frozen, I heard Miley crying in the background and I ran over to her, making sure she was alright. Oh, who am I kidding, she's not okay! She's unconscious! She's bleeding! She's not even breathing properly!

As I fell on my knees, I took Lily's lifeless body into my arms, I felt tears coming down my face. Miley also fell onto her knees beside me, taking off her necklace. And putting it on Lily. She was crying into my shoulder, muttering and sobbing that she lost her best friend, I feel like I lost the love of my life, so if she ... I can't even say it ... then I go. What are we even doing ?! We should be calling 911!

"Miles, do you have your phone on you ?" I asked Miley, hoping she has.

She nods her head, as she couldn't barely speak. She first calls the Ambulance, then her dad, and then Lily's parents.

"Don't worry, Lilypop. You're going to make it through this. I promise you. I will be by your side, the whole way through." As she can't even hear me, I whisper sooth words into Lily's ears.

"Oliver ... what if Lily is ... gone ??" Mily asked me, as she is sobbing into my shoulder.

I was about to answer Miley, until the paramedics ripped Lily out of my arms. I asked the paramedic, if we could come and the paramedic agreed, as he could see we were very close to Lily. On the way, to the hospital, I was holding Lily's hand tightly, like I never want to let go.

A Couple of Minutes Later:

Me and Miley, had to wait in the waiting room, urrggg ... I hate this, the love of my life is probably dying on that table right now. Miley is still sobbing on my shoulder, but I don't blame her as I really wanna cry on someone's shoulder but I have to be strong ... be strong for Lily, as she is going to survive this.I started to tap my feet impatiently, like it's been about five hours; and they haven't called us in.

"Lillan Trescott?" Finally, the doctor called us. We both stood up but ...

"Only one person at a time." Only, one of us. I felt like Miley had to go and visit Lily first because she is her best friend.

"Miley, you go." I told her, as I sat down.

"...But Oliver, she's your girlfriend ..."

"...But Miley, she's your best friend ..."

"Oliver! She probably needs you more than me, even if I'am her best friend!"

"Miley, she needs you too."

"Okay, but YOU go next!"

Miley's POV (Hey, just needed to add her in.)

I walked into Lily's hospital room, nervously. All I saw was white walls, hearing the heart monitor, and seeing ... Lily ... in the hospital bed, looking like a ghost ... oh gosh, I've never seen her like this before.

"Hey Lily ..." I said, as I sat down, shakingly, and taking Lily's hand into mine.

I know, she can't hear me, but I have to tell her about Oliver.

"Lils, Oliver has been REALLY worried about you. When you got hit by that car, Oliver was crying because he thought he lost you. I was sobbing because I thought, I would lose my best friend, but you're not my best friend ... you're my sister. I'm going to get Oliver, talk to you." And after I said that, I got up and left the room.

"Oliver, your turn."

Oliver's POV

"Oliver, your turn." When Miley said that, I stood up, really nervous. I slowly start making my way over to Lily's room. As I turn the knob for Lily's door, I felt my hand froze. As I walked into Lily's room, all I saw was Lily looking, almost dead alike.

I walked over to Lily's bed, I took Lily's hand into mine, as I sat down in the chair next to her bed.

"Hey, Lilypop ... I know, you can't hear me but when you got hit by that car, I was crying because I thought I lost you but that's not all. All I wanted to do was just hold you in my arms, but I knew that wouldn't make it any better. I will always be by your side like this, and I will never let go of your hand because ... I love you Lilypop, and you're the love of my life." After, I said that, I felt my hand being squeezed by Lily's hand. Her body is moving slightly, she is groaning and her eyes are fluttering open and closing.

"Ollypop ..." I heard her groaning her nickname for me.

Lily's POV

I felt ... Oliver's hand ... in mine, I started moving slightly. I was groaning, and all I saw was a blur of this room, and Oliver.

"Ollypop ..." I groaned my nickname for him.

"Lils, I'm here." Oliver squeezed my hand, gently.

As I fully got my vision, I started to look and hear at my surroudings, I heard a heart monitor. I was hooked up to wires, my arm was in a cast. I was in a hospital gown, and I saw white walls. *Gasps* I'm in the hospital !! Oliver's here, but where's Miley ??

"Oliver ..."

"Lily, do you remember what happened?" I tried to remember, what happened but all I can remember was a car coming troduce me.

"A car ... coming troduce... right?"

"Yeah, you got hit by a car. I'm going to get Miley." He ran over to the door and yelled Miley's name.

"MILEY! SHE'S AWAKE!!" Within, a couple of seconds, Miley came zooming down the corridor.

"LILS!" She ran over to me, excited to know, that I'm awake. But she hugged me to tight, and now I can't feel my ribs.

"Miley ... Miley ... let go of me ... you're hurting me." She let go of me, with a worry look on her face.

"I'm SO sorry, are you okay ??" Miley asked me. Oliver, took my hand into his, with him, stroking my hair. Miley was rubbing my shoulders.

"Yeah, as long as I have you guys." And with that, we all got into a group hug, or them both hugging me, gentle since my arm in a cast. So I just put one arm around Oliver, and Miley just putting her hands on my shoulder as in hugging me.

Thanks for reading, hoped you enjoyed.

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