Chapter 54: Mutually Beneficial

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Okay firstly and most importantly I have to beg for forgiveness. This has been horrendously overdue. I am so sorry it's taken me so long. I've been really struggling with things lately, life included. The move took it out of us, followed by all three of us getting a Virus that knocked us out. And for some reason I just couldn't get motivated enough to really sit and write this chapter. When I did start to write I think this chapter got re-written a million times! And I'm still not happy with it completely....

Secondly. This hasn't been beta-read yet as I thought I should just upload it and then put the corrected version up later.

So sorry for errors in advance.. okay onwards and please be gentle with me...


Damien looked behind him but his mother was nowhere to be seen. He stopped, momentarily struck by her sudden disappearance but before he could do anything the door was thrown open and a man he didn't recognise stood there.

"Hello?" The man frowned down at the boy stood on the doorstep. "Can I help you?"

"I'm here to see Morgana Malfoy!" Damien looked up at him with an arrogance born from being a Malfoy.

"And you are?" Jack inquired softly, making no move to let him in. He detested snotty nosed kids and this lad was King of the pack.

"I am Damien Malfoy, Morgana's brother." He spoke slowly as if Jack was stupid and deaf and Jack had the urge to reach out and cuff the kid around the ears.

"Are you indeed," Jack replied. He heard a movement behind him and was glad to hear the cool tones of Snape.

"Come in, Damien."

Jack stepped aside and the boy shot him a smug condescending smile as he passed him.

Damien stopped inside the door and looked around him with a curl of his lips; obviously not impressed with that he was seeing. Jack shut the door with a bang and was disturbed to see that the child didn't even move let alone jump at the sudden noise.

He caught Snape's eye over the child's head and pulled a face at him but Snape merely smirked back at him before looking down at Damien.

"Good afternoon, Uncle Severus." Damien spoke up. "May I see Morgana?" The boy's voice was childishly high but the tone of arrogant formality was far from childish.

Snape stared down at his nephew.

"Where is your mother?" he asked quietly, ignoring the question.

Damien looked perplexed for a few seconds before shrugging.

"I see." Snape frowned and arched a black eyebrow at him.

"Follow me!" He instructed the boy coldly. "And do not touch anything."

Snape's voice was several degrees below freezing and Jack shivered at his tone but it appeared to roll of Damien's back as he nodded and followed his uncle down the corridor to the kitchen.

"Morgana has not been well and you will only be able to spend a few minutes with her." Snape lead him into the kitchen and pointed to one of the chairs set around the table.

"Sit." He instructed darkly. "And do not move until I return." Snape moved to where a very curious Jack had come into the kitchen and was now leaning against the side, his arms folded across his chest.

"Watch him and keep your wand handy," he said quietly to Jack. He moved to the door and then stopped looking back over his shoulder at Damien.

"Don't trust him, Jack," he intoned and turning swept out of the kitchen.

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