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Chapter 15


-'oh.. love at first sight?"-Jimin asked, a little bit surprised and flustered, because he knows Jungkook doesn't believe in love
-'Yeah, i know.. i told you that, i really don't like love, but.. somehow, i like this rose, because..."-He paused, he shakes his head, not wanting to continue
-'Its personal, lets just call the guards and let them pack this things we buy, and lets go to my house okay?"-Jimin pouted, he wanted to know, he wanted Jungkook to continue on what he was saying. He's such a cliffhanger
-'kay..."-Jimin clicked his tongue, pissed on Jungkook. He doesn't really like people who don't finish what they have started, but.. its Jungkook.. he's a monster
-'You mad?"-Jungkook asked, sensing Jimin, because of his actions..
-'No.."-Jimin answered, showing him a fake smile, which Jungkook hates...
-'Pftt.. liar"-Jungkook muttered, he then walk fast, leaving Jimin who was carrying everything
-'He's so gentleman"-Jimin sarcastically said


-'Taehyung, have you seen Jimin today?"-Hoseok asked worriedly, holding his phone, he was calling Jimin, a several times
-'Yeah, he's with Jungkook earlier"-Tae answered. He's on the park for a couple of minutes right now, he didnt expect to see Hoseok
-'Aish.. why is he with Jungkook all the time?"-Hoseok ruffled his hair in frustration as he sit beside Taehyung in the bench
-'Because He is Jungkook's slave?"-
-'I hate that whole slave thing!, its so childish!"-Hoseok exclaimed, falling his face on taehyung's lap, burrying it
-'Its gonna be fine"-Taehyung assured, brushing hoseok's hair
-'What will i do?"-Hoseok mumbled , as he turn to look at taehyung who was smiling above him
-'Hmm.. do you maybe, wanna hang out?"-Taehyung asked, shyly, bitting his lips, which hoseok finds it cute
-'Why not?, wanna go see a movie?"-Hoseok suggested
-'Movie, sounds good"-Taehyung nodded. Hoseok gets up, walking away from Taehyung who was still sitting on the bench
-'Its not a date"-He sighed in disappointment
-'Tae!, lets go!"-Hoseok yelled from afar



We arrived at my mansion, staying at my room. Jimin put everything we bought on the desk in the balcony, we decided to stay at my room's balcony since he likes the view
-'Jungkook, come here"-Jimin said, taking the teddy bear on his hand, as he squeezes it
-'So cuuuuteeee"-Jimin laughed, looking at the teddy bear, with his adorable eyes, pinching its nose with his small hands
-'Look Jungkook!, it looks like you!"-He commented, glancing at me, with a smile on his face
-'Oh.. so you're telling me im cute"-I smirked, his smiling face turns into the bad mood mochi
-' Im cuter than you"-He let his tongue out, while rolling his eyes. He's like kid
-'Hmm.. okay, if that will make you happy"- i replied, he gritted his teeth as he look away
-'Lets just make the letter"-He said, getting a pen and a notebook, i sit opposite to him, he was infront of me
-'Okay, so whats the letter about"-
-'What the hell?"-
-'What?"-I asked, looking so clueless
-'Its a love letter of course!, we are making a love letter for taehyung"-He explained
-'Love letter?, but i dont love him"-i respond
-'Like letter, sounds good?'-
-'Hmm.. okay, sounds stupid but its okay since you made it and you're stupid"-I replied, pissing him off
-'Okay"-He sighed"- I will not fight you, because i really wanna go home and hang out with hoseok"-
-'No, you're having a sleepover"-I replied, i don't want him with hoseok that crazy guy!
-'No way!, hoseo- -"
-'Yes way, and i already called your parents so no need to worry"-I cut him off, not really wanting to hear all about hoseok hoseok hoseok
-'But- -.. okay"-He sighed in defeat, i smiled widely, finally,he won't argue with me
-'So what will you write on the card?"-
-'Not me, you, you are the one who's gonna write and tell him what you feel about him"-he answered. Letters?, not really my thing
-'You write it, i don't have feelings'-I replied, crossing my arms as i moved my head , resting it on the table
-'Aish.. just tell me what you feel about him"- he said, i hummed in respond, i don't want to ruin this perfect position of mine, its really comfortable
-'JUNGKOOK!"He shouted, making me Jump on the chair
-'Yah!, im awake!"-I replied, his face is red, probably because of anger
-'Lets do this'-He said, pushing the card and pen on the table towards me
-'I dont want to im tir- - "
-'Kookie, please'-That nickname again, which makes me shiver, giving me goosebumps, making my heart beats abnormally
-'Y-yeah.. i.. i will do it"-I answered, he sighed in relief
He nodded, and i took the pen, as i started thinking about Taehyung, and what i feel about him.

Jimin on the other, is arranging the flowers and chocolates, preparing it for tomorrow. He seems really busy while doing it, the way he runs his hair through his hair, is so amazing, the way he wipes his sweat with his hands is so sexy, the way he smile because he is satisfied of what he did is beautiful, the way he-
-'Jungkook, why are you staring at me?"-i shrugged, and look back on the blank card
-'Stare at the teddy bear, its cute"-He said, going back on his work
-'The only cute one here is you"-I blurted out, i widened my eyes, cursing under my breath as i look back at him
-'Trust me, you're the cutest"-He respond, making me feel something weird on my stomach, and my cheeks suddenly heat up
-'You're blushing kookie"-he teased
-'Im not!"-am i really blushing?, i never blush
-'keep lying to yourself, but you can never lie to me"-He winked
-'Yeah yeah...
I look back on the card, as i started writing


Taehyung and Hoseok is in Taehyung's room lying in the bed with a blanket covering them, lights out , watching a horror movie, which makes hoseok jump and scream everytime there is a scary part
-'AHH!"-Hoseok shouted, hugging Taehyung who was beside him, taehyung laughed and hugged him back. Hoseok tighten his grip, eyes shut, breathing heavyly
-'Haha, its gone now hobi"-Taehyung informed, rubbing Hoseok's back
-'Hmm.. i love hugging you"-Hoseok burries his head deeper on Taehyung's neck
-'I love you too'-

-'Yah!, Jungkook!, i don't have any clothes to wear!"-Jimin yelled from the bathroom, with only towel on his waist
-'Don't worry"-Jungkook approaches him, topless, with boxers left on. Holding a bag with Jimin's clothes inside it, prepared by Jimin's grandparents
-'Uh- oh"-Jimin moved his head up and down, while looking at Jungkook. He bit his bottom lip when he stare at Jungkook's abs
-'Am i really that delicious?'-Jungkook asked, licking his lips while looking at Jimin's body, he moves closer, but Jimin moves backward, every steps foward he make, makes Jimin step backward
-'Shit"-Jimin cursed when his back hit the cold wall behind him. Jungkook took the chance to corner his face by putting his arms, cornering his face
-'are you seducing me?, because its working"-Jungkook smirked, leaning his face, to Jimin's
-'I..i.. jung"-
-'Shh..."-Jungkook pressed a finger on Jimin's lips shutting him
I don't want a kiss!, please lord

-'You owe me a kiss"-
-'Jungkook move, and let me change"-Jimin pushes him by putting his hands on his chest. When he succeed on pushing him he then covered his body with his arms wrapped around him
-'Why do you need clothes?, when you're gonna take it off later anyway"-
-'Yah!, pervert!, im gon- -" Jimin didnt get a chance to finshed his words, when Jungkook's lips crashed on his
-'You still need clothes?"-Jungkook asked as he pulled away, looking at Jimin who is catching his breath
-'F**k you!"-Jimin angrily said, wiping his lips with his hand
-'Thats the idea baby"-


Oh my god!, i can't believe i just wrote that!..

Well i hope you' all like it!
I'll update tomorrow!..😅😅

Twist Of Fate |Jikook|Vmin|YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now