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Chapter 6


Jimin and Jungkook arrived at the market,but just as they went outside there car, Jimin grabbed Jungkook back on the car

-'what are you doing?"-Jk
-'Lets go somewhere else"-Jimin smiled excitement was on his eyes
-'What?, are you taking me on a date?"-Jk
-' No!, why would i?!"-Jm
-'Really?"- Jk
-' im not taking you out on a date okay?, im just gonna take you somewhere"-
-'But the fis- -"
Jimin cut him off, by pressing his index finger on his lips and tell this driver to drive on the place he want to go
-'Yah!, im the master!"-
-'Just shut up, i promise you we will have fun"-Jimin giggled, and pinch jungkook's cheeks
Jungkook got flustered, he froze and stared at Jimin's eyes which was smiling, and sparkling
''Aish.. young master is cuteeee!"-Jimin pinched his nose before facing back the car's window.
Jungkook didnt say anything and freeze on his position
-'Yah!,stop staring at me"-Jimin snapped his finger infront of Jungkook
-'Oh.. no! Im not staring at you.. "-Jungkook denied and face back on the window
-'Young master, i know im handsome and yes cute too, but i told you not to fall for me right?, i- - "
-'Shut up, i will never fall for you, mark my words"-
-'Yeah..yeah.. i bet you'll fall for me"-
-'No, you'll fall for me"-Jk
-'Yak!, never!"-
-'How about this,lets make a deal"-
-'Sure!, im on it"-Jm
-'If you will fall for me and you will be the first one to confess, im sure i'll regect you..yeah.. but anyway... i will never going to bother you anymore, and i will do the same if i fall for you, all we have to wait is who will be the first one to confess"-Jk
-' Never,.. i will never confess or fall for you, even if i will suffer staying by your side!"-
-'Same!, i will never confess or fall for you either!"-


-'Im happy today"-Taehyung smiled as he think about what happened earlier
-'Why?, is it about Jungkook?, did he confess to you again?"- Jin
-'No hyung!, Jungkook is just a friend..."-Tae
-'Then why are you happy?, who's the special guy"-
-'Its a secret, but i will tell you soon."-Tae
-'By any chance, is that person perhaps.. Jimin?"-
-'No.. i just use Jimin to be close to the guy i like"-
-'Taehyung, you know thats bad!"-Jin scold, feeling bad about how taehyung act like this when he likes someone
-'Whatever, hyung.. he noticed me for the first time and talked to me!,"-
-'I still vote for Jungkook... Why don't you just give Jungkook a chance?, he likes you.."-
-'No.. he doesnt.. if he really wants me then he will do something about it.."-Tae said, and Jin just lower his head, feeling disappointed
-'Did you know how he confessed?"-Tae added and jin shook his head
-' He just said that.. "Hey, TaeTae.. i like you, will you be my boyfriend?" Thats what he said!, and no flowers.. no chocolates! No feelings! When he said he likes me, its like he had been forced to do it!"-
-'He doesn't know how to confess nor court ,you know?"-
-'Thats not my freaking problem if he's a dumb ass!"-Tae
-'Jungkook said he likes you, and maybe he doesnt know how to confess or court..atleast he gives attention on you!, that guy you were saying.. he barely even know you, and just noticed you for the first time!, tell me a good reason why you like him?!"-Jin replied, sounded like he was pissed off
-' i like him!, don't force me to like Jungkook!"- Tae rolled his eyes and looked away
-'You know what?, fine!, just go on and do everything just to get his attention on you..."-Jin stood up and stormed off of the room
-'I like him...and i have a good reason why i do"-Tae mumbled


-'Stop the car.. we're here!"-Jimin said happily
The driver stopped the car , Jimin quickly opened the car's door and run to opens Jungkook door
-'We're here young master!"-Jm
-'What the.. amusement park really?"-Jungkook rolled his eyes, and when he was about to get on his car, Jimin grabbed his hand and drag him inside the entrance
-'Let go of me.. i don't like it here.. its so childish"-
-'Im sure you'll like it here!, its fun..."- Jimin said, smiling , looking so adorable
-' why am i with this kid?"-Jungkook pointed out Jimin sighing in frustration
-'Im not a kid!"-Jimin defended and walks away from Jungkook
-'Yah! Come back here!..aishh"-Jungkook scratched his head and run to chase Jimin
When he finally caught Jimin, he grabbed his wrist and started walking, Jimin gets flustered but let Jungkook hold his wrist
-'Why are you holding me?"-
-'Just don't want you to get lost.."- Jimin blushed at Jungkook's answer

Ahh.. master is so.. cutee!

-'Ahh.. young master cares for me!"-Jimin teased, wrapping his arms on Jungkook's
-'What?!.. i just don't want you to get lost...because if you do, i may not be able to find you"-
-'You're so short and its so hard to find you in a place like this, when people are so tall an- -"
-'Shut the hell up!"-Jimin remove his arms around him and escaped on Jungkook's grip, he then walks fast
-'Im tired of walking!"-Jungkook whined
-'Lets eat ice cream!"-Jimin jumped playfully and pointed the ice cream shop
-'No way.. i need my abs--- "-Before Jungkook could finished his words, Jimin already dragged him towards the ice cream shop
-'Ice cream in a cone!...What would you like?"-Jimin asked looking at Jungkook
-'Aish.. okay..strawberry"-Jungkook said in a low tone
-'what was that?"-
-'Really?!, i thought you are manly....but strawberrry?, now i look at you as a princess!"-Jimin laughed
-'Shut up and pick a flavor"-Jk
-'Well..uhm.."-Jimin place a finger on his lips as he was trying to think what to pick..
-'Wow, you think for so long, yet you just choose vanilla"-Jk
-'Whatever!, here"-Jimin give the vendor the money, and took their ice cream and sat on the bench
-'Lets eat!"-Jimin said, licking his ice cream
-'Hmm... yummy.."-Jimin moaned while closing his eyes, making Jungkook's mind went dirty

What a beautiful sound

Jungkook smirked and started licking his melting strawberry ice cream
-'What?"-Jungkook stopped on licking and look at Jimin
-'you have to try this!"-Jimin took Jungkook's ice cream and licked on it, making Jungkook's eyes widened
When he finished licking on Jungkook's ice cream he then licked on his own, ice cream
-'Wow!, what a mix!"-Jimin widened his eyes and nods his head, tasting the mix flavor on his mouth
-'what the hell Jimin?!, thats my ice cream!"-Jk
-'You have to try it!, here"-Jimin handed him the two ice cream
-'Ew, no!"-
-'I promise it taste good, and if you will not try it no fishcakes for you"-
-'Wait.. i'll do it!"-Jungkook just forget the fact that Jimin is his slave, but why is he under him?
-'Yay!, just do what i did earlier!"-Jungkook nodded, and taste the both of ice cream
-'Its good"-Jungkook said, started to take a lot of portion on the Jimin's ice cream and on his
-'Yah!, thats mine!"-
-'Not anymore"- Jimin rolled his eyes and stood up from the chair, walking really quick
-'Yah wait for me!"-Jungkook throw the ice creams and follows Jimin
-'Are you hungry?"-Jimin asked
-'We just ate ice cream.. and besides i don't wanna get fat"-
-'Oh.. so i think i will be the only one who will enjoy eating fishcakes!"-Jimin runs towards a small shop
-'Wait no!, i'll eat too!"-Jungkook runs after him
-' 5 fishcakes in a stick!"-Jimin said, handing the vendor a money
-' Yes sir, here it is!"- The vendor replied and gave him his fishcakes
-' smells good!"-Jimin smelled the fishcakes while closing his eyes
-'Me too!"-Jungkook said
-'Okay sir, how many?"-
-'10!"-Jungkook replied, making Jimin stopped from eating as he was surprised
-' Here sir"-Jungkook took his money on his pocket and pays
-'Lets seat here"-Jimin offered and sat on a chair with a table
-'Their fishcakes is good, but your grandmother's fishcake taste better...
-'My fishcakes are the best!"-Jimin proudly said, chewing his food
-'Really?, then why don't you cook for me?"-
-'I will, soon master"-Jimin replied, jungkook was surprised, he thought Jimin will argue with him again
-'Do you really like taehyung?"- Jimin suddenly asked
-'I like taehyung"-Jungkook replied
-'I like taehyung more than you do"-Jimin said
-'What?!"-Jungkook gritted his teeth making Jimin laughed
''I was just joking, my feelings for taehyung fade away"-Jimin answered,as he was afraid of Jungkook
-'Good because i like him .."-
-'Just like?, don't you love him?"
-'No, love is such a strong word.. i think i will never say that"-
-'You will fall in love, believe me"-Jm
-'Maybe, but it will never be with you"-
-'Yeah.. i know"-
-'Good, because i will never say the 3 words " I. Love. You"-
-'I will never say the 4 words " I.Love.You.Too."-

They stared at each others eyes, then everything was silent. Jimin smiles at him, and Jungkook didnt deny that he is so,





Twist Of Fate |Jikook|Vmin|YoonminTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon