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Chapter 7


After they roam around,  play some games , eat...they decided to go home, since its getting dark, Jungkook drives Jimin to his house, and when they arrive, just as Jimin went to open the cars door, Jungkook stop him, by pulling his hand, and make Jimin face him

-'Tomorrow, we have to talk"-
-'But, its saturday!"-Jimin whined, frowning while pouting
-'Lets meet at the cafe, near Taehyung's house"-Jk
-'10 am, see ya"-
-'Aish... "-


-'Jimin!"- His grandpa greeted
-'Hey dad"-Jimin smiles, and went to kiss his grandfather's cheeks
-'Why are you late?"-His grandma said, as she appeard, crossing her arm while giving Jimin a questioning look
-'Well, i just have to do some group activities"-Jimin lied, he knows that if he will metion Jungkook then they will just tease them
-'Oh.. really?, are you not with - -"
-'No!, i didnt go out with Jungkook"Jimin defended not letting her grandma finished, he was looking like he is so guilty right now
-'I was about to say, With Hoseok.. but i guess.. you were with Jungkook"- His grandpa wiggled his eyebrows, teasing him
-'Dad!.. stop teasing me!, we didnt go out!, we hate each other!"-
-'The more you hate the more you love dear"-His grandma smirked, Jimin rolled his eyes and ran upstairs towards his room, slamming the door , diving onto the bed as he buried his face on the pillow
-'I hate Jungkook!, my freaking young monster!"-Jimin keeps repeating it on his mind
-'Wait.. i need to charge my phone"-Jimin gets up from the bed and charge his phone, when he opens it he was shock when he saw Hoseok miscalled him for 7times
-'Hoseok..."-Jimin slapped himself and called his friend
-'Hey!, hoseokiee"-Jimin trys his best at his sweetest voice
-'Where are you?, why didnt you answered my calls?! I was worried about you.., why is jungkook with you?! "-
-'Hey..hey.. calm down.. but wait.. how did you know i was with Jungkook?"-
- Well, someone told me..but thats not important!...'Are you fine chim chim?, did he hurt you?,im gonna beat his ass!"-
-'Im fine!, he didnt do anything"-
-'Why were you both together?-Jh
-'I'll explain it to you next time.. im just so tired right now"-Jimin yawned
-'Okay...i'll wait for the explaination.. take a good rest chim chim.."- Hoseoks voice was calm , making Jimin smiles as he breath out heavly, when he knows that Hoseok is calm now
-'Okay, Thank you hoseokieee"-Jimin hang up and diving on his bed, closing his eyes...


-'Jungkook, i heard you were with Jimin"-Namjoon said, flipping a page on his book while Jungkook was playing chess with Jin
-'Yeah.. i was with him.."-Jk
-'Oh.. i see.. did something happened?"- Nj
-'Why are you interested?"- Jungkook replied, smirking as he think about what happened earlier
-'Because, you're smiling like that, and it makes me feel worry?"-
-'Me?, smiling?...pfftt no.."- Jungkook rolled his eyes.
-'Yes you are, why are you happy Jungkook?"-Jin said, taking a bite on his sandwich
-'Well.. im just happy..."-
-'Okay, you admited it that you're happy.. but is it because of Jimin?"-Nj
-'Wha- - -"-
-'You can't lie to us"-Jin
-'Okay... im happy because of him.. he's just so funny and i like it when im with him...he's so annoying but i want him to be like that"-Jk
-'Oh..."-Namjoon and Jin looked at each other , smiling while nodding their head
-'What?"- Jungkook asked, frowning at their reaction
-'Do you like him?"-Jin
-'What the.. guys!, i have a taste!..he's not my type and besides,  jimin is my rival, my enemy , my slave.. nothing else?!.."- Jungkook defended himself
-'Okay..calm down.. why are you so defensive"-Nj
-'Because!..aishh. whatever.. you know im leaving"-Jungkooks stood up from the chair
-'Taehyung"-Jin spoke, making Jungkook stopped and glance back at them
-'What about him?"-Jungkook asked
-'You said, you like him.. are you not gonna do something about it?"-Jin answered
-' I have a plan, and i know it will work.."-Jungkook replied, before continuing on walking
-'Don't forget.. you like Taehyung.. nothing else.. okay?"-Jin said, Jungkook heard him but he didnt stops and walks away
-'Why would you say that?"-Namjoon asked
-'Because, maybe he's confuse because of that, Jimin guy.."-
-'Then?, is there something wrong about Jimin, maybe they belong together"-
-'No..Taehyung and Jungkook belong together"-Jin replied
-'Okay, i'll go with Jimin and Jungkook and you will be on Tae and Jungkook side"-
-'If Jungkook ends up with Taehyung, then i will no longer bother you anymore"-
-'And what if he ends up with jimin?"-Jin asked
-'Then, you have to say yes and be mine"-namjoon smiled widely, while Jin blushed but shrugged, and look down trying to avoid Namjoon's eyes

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