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I need to put up a warning.

Before you start reading this book. There will be a lot of strong language, violence, drug usage, and a few sex scenes. If that is not your style, or you do not like readying that kind of stuff, then you should probably stop here and not continue any further.

Those of you who do not mind that kind of thing.. Enjoy! :)



Currently standing in an old warehouse building on the outside of town, I place my hands on my hips as I look around and ponder what I should do with the current situation.

My business partners and I had received a large shipment earlier today, and when we arrived at the warehouse, less than an hour ago, to check on our product and move it to a new location, we found a few men snooping around.

"Please, just let me go. I don't know who is sellin' you out," says the blubbering man who is tied to a broken office chair. The pathetic excuse of a man, crying and bleeding from a broken nose and a open gash on his forehead begs, "If you let me go, I'll do what I can to help you find out who is runnin' their mouth."

Walking back over to the man in the chair, Kendra shoves the blade a little further into his neck. Knowing that the slightest movement will cause the knife to slice right through his carotid artery, he starts to plead with me again, "I promise, Indy, I will work for you. I'll do it behind his back. He would never expect-"

"Indy, how the hell are you going to listen to this bullshit? You know you can't trust him." I turn to Christy, who just yelled across the room, and silence her with the wave of my hand.

Turning around to look back at the man, I say "Alright, I'll make this an easy decision for you. Since you already lost two of your men, we are going to let you go-"

"Thank you, oh God, Thank you. I promise-"

"Shut the fuck up!" I shout. "I was not done yet. Do not interrupt me again, or I won't let you leave. Understand?" I ask. He nods his head in understanding. So I continue with what I was saying before, "You will return home and get the information that I want. In three weeks, you will come back here and tell me everything that you have found out."

After that, I nod to Kendra, telling her to wrap this up. She kicks the chair over and it slams down on the ground, obviously pissed off that she doesn't get to have her kill.

Looking back at Christy, I say "I want you, Sandy and Little to load this shit in the cars and take it back to the yard. Silver and I will meet you there within the hour."

When they are gone, Kendra, a.k.a. Silver, and I start heading towards my business car. A black 2008 Range Rover Sport. Right as I get to the door, I turn around to George, who is holding his busted face and say "Oh by the way, George, just to ensure that you do as you are told, I will be keeping George Junior with me. He will be put to good use as a punching bag for Silver, especially since she didn't get to kill you. So, if I were you, I would hurry and get back to us." With that, we hop into my car and start to drive off.


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Update & edit done 6/9/2018

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