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'Camila! Come to the kitchen please!' A woman with short brown hair is standing in standing in the hall. 'I am coming mom!' I run downstairs and walk smiling into the kitchen. The woman is doing the dishes and looks over her shoulder to see who is entering the kitchen. 'Hi honey, can you please help me with this?' She points at the wet plates which were lying on the kitchen counter. I grab a dishcloth. 'I didn't hear you coming home. I called Maya and she said you were with some girl named Jayden. I never heard that name before. Who is she? Is she safe to hang out with?' I feel myself getting irritated. 'Mom please, you talk about her like she is some dangerous object! Yes, her name is Jayden and she is really nice. Why are you always acting so strange when I make new friends?' Before my mother can answer I walk to the living room. She is always so negative about my friends. This is why I didn't tell her about Jayden. She ruins my friendships, starting with trying to get to know everything about them. After that she confronts them with something they did in the past, or she shows so much "interest" that she scares them away. It's like some sort of investigation for her. I don't want to lose another friend... Especially not Jayden. The only friend my mother did approve was Maya. Maya didn't care about my mom's opinion. She kept being there for me and eventually my mother realized that Maya is a good friend. A really amazing friend. 'Honey, come on. I didn't mean to upset you. I just want what's best for you and-' I interrupt her. 'The best for me?! The best for me?! This is bullsh*t! You only make it worse! I am seventeen years old mom! I can make choices for myself!' I feel tears filling my eyes and I run upstairs to my room. I slam the door and let myself fall on my bed. I love my mom, I really do. I am sure she loves me too, but why is she always so overprotective? Yes I was stupid to go to that party alone. And I shouldn't have done what I did there, but what's the point of forbidding me to get new friends for the rest of my life? My phone buzzes and I unlock it immediately. One text message of Maya.

Mayabear: 'Hii Mila! How was your date? Is the ship still sailing?' - 11:46pm

Me: 'Oh shut up... Yes the FRIENDS meeting was fun. How was your day?' - 11:46pm

Mayabear: 'You're a bad liar! I am sure you like her. Even though you deny it. I still love you, no matter what ;)' - 11:47pm

Mayabear: 'My day was super boring. I stalked that hot friend of Jayden on Twitter by the way. He is so hot OMG. Can I come over tomorrow?' - 11:47pm

Me: 'Maya you're such a creep! And I love you too. I have to babysit Leah and Avery but you can come over.' - 11:47pm

Mayabear: 'Sweeeetttt, see you there.' - 11:48pm

I lock my phone and crawl under my sheets. When I close my eyes I realize how tired I am. Let tomorrow be a better day. Hopefully Maya can keep the girls busy so I can have some time for myself. I haven't played guitar for days and I miss it. I am not really good at playing guitar, but I won't give up till I can play a whole song fluently. I normally watch videos and try to copy the moves, but I hope someone can teach me some day. I think learning from a teacher is much more effective than doing it all by yourself. Sadly, my parents don't have enough money to pay for the guitar lessons. I don't blame them, they have three children to take care of. Slowly I enter the land of dreams and my thoughts fade away.

To Keep It Secret // wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now