FE Quotes

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Here're your quotes, Emi_1003!

"Look at this weakling." - Maribelle, Awakening

"HOT DEATH COMING THROUGH!" - Basilio, Awakening (crit quote)

"Hello, [Avatar]. I sure do love lunchtime and ripping thumbs off!" -Henry, Awakening (Barracks quote)

"Your logic is breathtakingly stupid." - Niles to Arthur, Fates

Hector: "Old man! Are you truly a merchant?"
Merlinius: "Old... Old man?"
Eliwood: "You're being rude, Hector!"
Hector: "Right, right. Old... gentleman."

"I can't believe it — these weapons won't wear over time!" - Robin, Fates

"Hello, Gerik! Wonderful day for a battle, isn't it!" - Marisa to Gerik, Sacred Stones (trying to socialize)

"A true guardian of beauty stands with those who are beautiful. If your exquisite heron prince will not stay here in my home, I must follow him. I have seen death; it holds no mystery for me. Only my pursuit matters. Rest at ease, friends." - Oliver, Radiant Dawn

"I don't know who's responsible, so I'm going to destroy you all!" - Hector, Blazing Blade

"Nuns and warfare do NOT mix!" - Seliph to Nana, Genealogy of the Holy War

"Moldy onions!" - Generic Begnion soldier, Radiant Dawn

"Those pantaloons must be made of mirrors, for I can see myse—" - Olivia to Maribelle, Awakening

"If you are looking for ransom, I can assure you I don't have any money. But what I do have are a very particular set of honey cakes..." - Gaius, Awakening

"I don't pick fights I can't win." - Ephraim, Sacred Stones

"They cheer the possibility of a better tomorrow, not the deeds we did today." - Seth, Sacred Stones

"You there, in the bushes. You have until the count of five to show yourself before I start throwing sharp objects. One...two...four..." - Volke to Bastian, Path of Radiance

"I question the way in which our society is designed. No matter what strength a person has, it is the station he is born into that controls his destiny. And you cannot control where you will be born. Do you believe that a person of low birth should simply endure the curse of his station? I think not. If you are stronger than those around you, you should benefit from your strength. This is why I will use my strength to remake this world. Class and rank will not matter. Human and sub-human will not matter. The strong will possess everything. The weak will submit to their will. Is this not the meaning of peace?" - Ashnard, Path of Radiance

"Shut up!" - Ike, Path of Radiance

" STUFF IT, SPONGE BRAIN!!! NO MORE LAME EXCUSES!!! FOLLOW ME!!! NOW!!!" - Marcia, Path of Radiance

Bartre: "Well then! I'll whip you into shape!"
Canas: "Ah, no! Please. Really, I don't think—"
Bartre: "Don't worry about it! It's no bother for me! In exchange, you can just lend me one of those books!"
Canas: "A-A book?"
Bartre: "Yeah. Maybe... a skinny one."
Canas: "...... Are you...going to...eat it?"

"Too slow, bro!" - Cynthia, Awakening (Dual support quote)

Dual support (Awakening)
[Avatar]: Stay calm!
Chrom: Now I'm angry!

Gregor: Is Gregor time!
Vaike: It's Vaike time!

[Avatar]: Time to tip the scales!
Morgan: You tipped the scales!

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