Thoughts on Fates' "reincarnated" characters

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Request by the_stressed_fan. This is going to be long XD

So we've finally reached these three characters: Rhajat, Caeldori, and Asugi.

Honestly, I don't really like them. They're literally just there for the Awakening fanservice and are pretty much copy-cats. But... there are some differences.

Rhajat vs. Tharja
Their stalking-the-Avatar trait is the same, but Rhajat did seem a little more attracted to the Dark Arts than Tharja. Rhajat also seems much more "evil", as she tests her new magic on innocent people sometimes, unlike Tharja, who actually helps others with her magic. Take her supports with Lon'qu and Gregor as an example.

Now some of you are going to say, "But Chrommy, she uses innocent Noire as a poor test subject!" Well, basically, being a test subject is normal for her. Let's take a look at her support the Ricken; he wants to learn hexes and goes to Tharja for help. She accepts and teaches one to Ricken; a hex that would make someone feel happiness. Who does she test this hex on? Herself. Her reasoning? She states that having a novice do a hex is dangerous and that others would mind. For her, being a test subject is completely normal. She's okay with it and calmly accepts that it's the right decision. This makes it almost certain that her parents did the same to her when she was younger.

Well, then going by this reasoning, why can't Rhajat be the same? Well, first of all, we pretty much know for sure that neither Hayato nor Rhajat's mother (whoever she may be) tested spells on her. Her situation is therefore different and she pretty much just tests her hexes on other people out of pure anger or just for the sake of it. But yes, she does show some good aspects in her supports. Though... at the same time, Rhajat does have a likable personality, ignoring all that. She helps many people in her supports, though she does prefer to stay alone. And she has an actual reason to be obsessed with the Avatar, as they did save her life.

It's hard for me to say who is better here. I did like Tharja for her character (she is, as a matter of fact, NOT a yandere. Anyone who thinks that has got their definition of a "yandere" wrong), but I like Rhajat as well. They have slight variations in their personality, but I'd say they're both good.

Caeldori vs. Cordelia
Okay, admit it. Caeldori is definitely more "perfect" than Cordelia. Cordelia is seen to be clumsy when flustered, and definitely feels the pressure of when her fellow Pegasus Knights gave up their lives to save her. Caeldori, on the other hand, just seems so... perfect. And when I say, "perfect", I don't mean it in a good way. Yes, being perfect is great and all, but seriously? I do think that Cordelia's imperfections revealed a more human side to her. And she's not "perfect" or a "genius", actually. It pretty much all boils down to her hard work and natural talents.

Caeldori is Cordelia with all her main traits exaggerated; being thought of as perfect by others, her humbleness, unrequited love, etc. End of story; Cordelia is a better character than Caeldori.

Asugi vs. Gaius
So we've come to the two sweet-tooths of their respective armies. Honestly, I think Asugi's conflictions with his father kinda added a little more touch to his character. But other than that? Well... it's just not enough to beat Gaius' many characteristics, whether it was wanting to show Chrom the world outside of royal duties, or trying to help other characters get over their own troubles. Sure, Gaius is more reserved than Asugi (in my opinion that makes him cooler) but keep in mind that Gaius is more experienced and has probably seen more things in his life than Asugi --- being a actual thief and surviving off his career compared to being dumped in the safe Baby Realms.

Well, that was fun! I do admit, Rhajat and Tharja was probably the hardest analysis ^^;

After thinking about it, Rhajat seems way better to me than before. So, thanks for that! The other two just can't beat the originals.

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