Okie, just some thoughts on Falchion

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So I was thinking...

Apparently Marth's ancestors were the ones to discover Falchion, and if it's currently resting in Rigel, would that make the Archanean royal family Rigelian?

But then again, Falchion could've been moved... somehow...

Two possibilities are that Falchion could've been stolen or given from/by Marth. Afterall, Echoes does take place a mere two years after Shadow Dragon. So herein lies the question:

What the fudge did Marth do with the Falchion?

How did the Falchion, exactly, travel across the ocean, to Rigel, and into Rudolf's hands?

This was my theory:

Marth gets mad, throws the Falchion into the sea (nice going, child), and it washes upon the shores of Rigel. But then I thought, hey, that sounds kinda like what happened to Zeke!

SO here's my new theory:

Zeke steals the Falchion, tries to travel back to Rigel only to be pursued by Marth and his soldiers, gets into an accident that wipes him of his memory, and somehow still makes it to the shores of Rigel, where he's found by Tatiana. And she, er, doesn't realize that either a. He has a sword with him or b. She doesn't know the true value of the sword. So, Zeke is later accepted by Rudolf (he clearly states that Rudolf took him in when no one else would), and hence, Falchion ends up in Rudolf's hands, who knows the true value of the Pointy Demonspanker.


This is all an alternate universe and Falchion does stuff. Like, it looks similar to Shadow Dragon's version, but a little different as well. Maybe it went through a ton of forging in the past two years. Who knows what Mar-Mar was thinking.

And then after a few thousand years, the Falchion winds up BACK in Marth's descendants' hands (once again, this could even be another universe where Echoes never took place) and Archanea's name is changed to Ylisse.

Fire Emblem time lines are so messed up.

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