Chapter Twenty-Two

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if this is your first time reading through i do not recommend reading this chapter until it is edited. you'll be very confused.
thanks :)

Chapter Twenty Two;

I sigh in relief as I hear the front doors open and see the team walk in unharmed

I sit on the couch as Light uncuffs Misa and Ryuzaki holds out a black notebook to me.

A death note.

"Touch this notebook." Ryuzaki requests.

"What is that?" I ask innocently as I reach my hand out but don't touch it.

"Our murder weapon."

"Ryuzaki... We don't know how she'll take this." Matsuda says cautiously.

"Take what?" I look at him.

Ryuzaki ushers the notebook forward to meet my hand and a familiar shinigami appears. Rem.

"W-What the hell is that?!" I pretend to freak out and retract my hand from the notebook.

Long time no see.


"If you kill by writing names in the notebook, you'd have to write your own name to kill yourself right?" I ask the team after Ryuzaki filled me in on what happened to Higuchi.

Several police cars and helicopters cornered Higuchi and captured him. When they searched his bag they found the notebook. Higuchi got ahold of a gun and tried to shoot himself with it but was restrained by an officer. After the death note was delivered to Ryuzaki and Light to inspect, the shinigami appeared and Higuchi collapsed to the ground only to die moments later. The shinigami followed them back to headquarters.

"Also... if he can die of his own will isn't it strange that earlier he tried to kill himself with a gun?"

"No. It might mean that if he killed himself with a gun, it would be far less painful rather than a heart attack." Chief Yagami replies to my questions. "Is it a coincidental heart attack, suicide, another Kira, or the shinigami? Which is it, Rem?"

"I did not kill Higuchi, nor do I know why he died."  Rem tells Chief.

"Yes. I understand." Aizawa says before returning to the table after his phone call. "They said that whatever was used to write the 'how to use' part of the notebook isn't anything that exists on this Earth."

"I see. As Rem said, the notebook is something from the shinigami world. There's no doubt that the 'how to use' was written by a shinigami for human's use." Mr. Yagami says.

Aizawa reads off the rules written in the notebook, but one catches more attention than the rest.

"If the person using the note fails to write the names of people to be killed within 13 days of each other, then the user will die."

"If the suspects we monitored awhile ago- Light, Misa, and Aki- were Kira then they shouldn't be living because they were under surveillance for over 50 days and are currently under surveillance." Aizawa says. "Although there is a timeframe from the other night I believe where footage from Ryuzaki's room is missing after Aki came back. Care to explain?"

"You don't want to know." Ryuzkai says.

Aizawa pauses for a moment before his face turns into one of disgust, "You're right. I did not want to know that."

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