•chapter twenty•

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Chapter Twenty; Apologies

A week had gone by without any contact with Ryuzaki at all. Light has been texting me updates on the case.

They have been monitoring a business group who's competition has been mysteriously dying. They sent Misa in somehow and got a confession from one of the employees.

Ryuzaki and Light are no longer in handcuffs. It actually makes me angry because he hasn't even attempted to contact me himself.

"Just stop being a wimp and go back." Quart groans.

I glance at my death note that has many names written. I prepared from tomorrow to three months later. I've barely gotten any sleep but if it saves my ass in the future it's worth it.

"No." I tell Quart.

"Why? You obviously miss him. You've barely slept, eaten, and oh I am so grateful I have no sense of smell because you probably smell like a bunch of sardines."

I shrug. I do miss him a bit but if he missed me at all he would've made an effort to get me back.

"Even if he didn't miss me romantically he still could've missed my help with the case." I say. "He hasn't even left one message or told someone else to leave a message to get me back there."

"Go take a damn shower. Brush your teeth and your hair. Pack your things because right now it's more boring then where I am from."

I widen my eyes at Quart's sudden outburst. He is right though...

I get my shit- literally and mentally- together and head over to the headquarters. I go through the various check points and take a deep breath before I walk in.

"Aki!" Misa squeals and runs up to me. "Finally I won't be the only girl. I was starting to get creeped out being all by myself with a bunch of old guys."

"I didn't think you'd be back." Light comments with a subtle smile on his face. "Ryuzaki is in his room."

"What makes you think I came here for him?" I jokingly wink. After a brief moment of awkward silence I laugh. "I'm kidding!"

I walk up the staircase to Ryuzaki's floor and knock on the door.

"Come in."

I slowly open the door to see him sitting behind a desk while looking at a laptop.

"Who is it?" He asks

"I'm sorry for storming out like everything was your fault when it was really my fault." I come right out with it. He turns in his chair to face me and I continue, "I'm sorry I got pissed at that little thing. I'm just so used to being treated as a minor since I am a young female detective and I hate it. I was being stupid." I get down on my knees and frown, "Can you please forgive me?"

"Of course." Ryuzaki says and stands up. "Now get up and give me a hug."

I happily do so and nearly tackle him. I needed a hug so bad.

"I missed you." He tells me. "It seems like it's been an eternity without you."

"Why didn't you call me?" I ask, pulling away from him and sitting on the end of his bed.

"I was busy."

"I am not taking that as an excuse. That's bullshit."

I feel tears start swelling in my eyes but I quickly wipe the away as Ryuzaki stands in front of me.

"You are a very strong girl." He tells me. "You don't have to hold yourself back from crying."

"I'm wearing mascara..." I sheepishly tell him.


"Well it would run if I cry."


"I don't know! It's just how makeup works."

We stare at each other before we both crack a smile. I don't think anyone else's smile could make me feel like the way I do.

"I love you." Ryuzaki tells me.

"I love you too."

He pushes my head up with his fingers underneath my chin and leans down to kiss me.

I sigh happily underneath his lips. It's as if all my stress is melting away.

"I'm going to leave you guys to be." Quart says before retreating through the wall.

Ryuzaki gently pushes me down and puts one knee on the bed to support himself as he deepens the kiss.

His hands slide down from my chin to my waist and I shiver as I feel his cold fingers on my skin.

He grabs the bottom of my t-shirt but before he lifts it up I stop him, "Wait."



He looks at the camera above his bed, "No one would be watching right now. Sometimes people want a break from a computer screen."

"But what if they play it back? Matsuda's kind of weird. Who knows what he does when left unattended."

"Oh my gosh Ashley." Ryuzaki closes his eyes. "I really would prefer not to think about that right now."

I feel my face heat up in embarrassment as I realize my mistake. "S-Sorry."

"It's fine." He sighs and gets up.

"No." I pull him back down into a kiss. I smile against his lips.

He doesn't fight back and so we continue on.

a few hours later

I wake up to an empty space next to me, no clothes, and a rumbling stomach.

I sigh in annoyance as I get dressed and walk out the room to only bump into Light.

"Sorry." We both apologize at the same time and laugh.

"I was just coming to get you." he says. "Geez. Your hair is a mess. Were you sleeping?"

"Uh... Yeah..." I look away from him

"Well it's dinner time." He tells me. He starts to walk away from me before stopping. "Oh and by the way you're lucky that no one else lives on this floor because if I could hear you when just passing by on the stairs I could only imagine what someone a wall away from you would hear."

"Oh my gosh."

edited june 19 2016

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