04 | the game

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'Holy shit...'

Ashley's eyes widen as she scans the list of "Kira's" most recent victims, coming across the very name she wrote down yesterday.

"Hmm? Is everything alright?" Ryuzaki questions, sitting besides her on the couch.

"Y-yeah." She nods hesitantly before internally panicking. 'I don't even know why I doubted the damn thing in the first place! I was talking to a shinigami! Oh god now I'm– You know what? At least I know my plan will work.'

Matsuda enters the hotel room with a smile. "Hey Ash! Feeling better?"

"Yep. I'm up and at it again."

"That's good." He nods, setting his stuff down. "You really shouldn't overwork yourself. You're only human."

"Yeah yeah..." She waves his concern off with a chuckle. Ryuzaki remains staring at her with a hint of doubt on his eyes but Ashley just scoffs.

"Stay tuned for a special message."

"Huh?" Chief questions as everyone turns their attention to the television. "What is this?"

"C-could it be Kira?" Matsuda asks Ryuzaki.

"It's highly possible but I doubt it." He replies. "I believe that, though we have not heard this 'message' yet, sending something so easily traceable is below Kira."

'Well that's what you think.' Ashley scoffs in her mind.

Once the lengthy commercials end, the message begins broadcasting with the letter 'A' on the screen.

"Hello. My name is... Well of course I would not give that out so easily. I'm here today with a message to Kira– my own personal message. Kira: We are practically two sides of the same coin. I am aware of the power you behold and possess it myself, potentially even stronger. Now I know someone's anonymous claim is iffy, so here's my proof: The heart attack that Sota Itsuki suffered was the work of me. He was no innocent man; in fact, he was charged with three counts of sexual assault two years ago. If that is not enough, news channel twenty-one will go into a panic as one of the producers, who was acquitted for assault even with hard evidence against him, dies of a heart attack.

"Aizawa! Channel twenty-one!" Ryuzaki orders in a panic. Aizawa complies fast enough to catch a moment of peace before the chaos begins.

"–And as for tomorrow, the weather permits a partially cloudy afternoon, but in–"

"Oh god! Mr. Han!"

"W-What's happening?!"

"I think he's having a heart attack!"

"Cut the cameras! Cut the cam-"

A 'technical difficulties' screen replaces the weather forecast before Aizawa changes the channel to Sakura TV, the station broadcasting Ashley's message.

"I rest my case. Now... to Kira: Who are you? I presume you have refused the deal due to the qualities of your murders, but I accepted the offer. Soon enough, I'll learn your true identity and then I will know for sure. I look forward to meeting you."

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