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dan: phil

phil: yes?

dan: can you call me? i have something important to say.

phil is calling
[answer]              [decline]

"baby is something wro—"

"i love you"

[call ended]

phil: dan wHAT WAS THAT

phil: (also, i love you too)

dan: i just want to say it

phil: i got worried, you stinky socks

dan: ew dont call me stinky socks

dan: ur gross

phil: IM the gross one?

phil: remember when you got drunk and i drove you home then you suddenly said you wouldn't mind if i threw up on your mouth

dan: wtf tHATS disgusting


dan: vomit on my mouth big daddy 😩😩💦💦

dan: did i atleast say it like that

phil: gROSS

phil: honestly tho, are you okay?

dan: im fine now, you dont have to worry about me

dan: i still overthink sometimes but im better

dan: i swear ill tell someone if it gets bad again

dan: but im fine now

dan: thank you for being there and for always being understanding

dan: you mean the world to me

phil: of course

phil: and that's good. i'm glad.

phil: i hope you're always happy and smiling because you truly deserve it

dan: i appreciate everything you've done for me. thank you.

dan: i have to go eat my dinner now. goodbye big daddy ❤️

phil: i hope you stub your toe on the way to the dining area

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