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just like the time when dan and i are having our first date, i'm stood in front of his house. a nervous wreck, contemplating if i should knock or just wait until he opens the door.

except the circumstances are different.

i didn't cheat, i could never do that to anyone. ethan just thought it was funny to make my boyfriend think that i'm cheating on him.

what a dick.

trying to put all my inhibitions aside, i finally knocked on the door. i immediately heard a muffled "coming!" which i assume to be dan's mum. and that made me even more nervous because i never met dan's mum.

the door opened and revealed a brown haired woman who appeared to be in his mid-forties. a warm smile plastered on her face, "hello!"

i smiled, if a bit tentative, "hi, um, i'm phil, dan's friend, could—"

"huh. weird," dan's mum raised an eyebrow, appearing to be skeptical, "i believe dan's boyfriend's name is phil too."

my eyes widened at that and i felt heat creeping up my neck. dan told her? not that i mind but he never mentioned anything to me.

"why don't you come inside?" she stepped aside, making way for me. i hesitantly took a step forward, my eyes trained on the floor. "do you want me to get dan for you, sweetheart?"

i instinctively smiled at the nickname, "if it's okay, can you just direct me to his room?"

"of course, dear." she smiled, "would you like some tea?"

"no, it's okay, thank you mrs. howell."

"that's leah for you, nice to meet you, phil. you're just as gorgeous as dan described."

i felt my face starting to heat up. i really need to stop getting flustered easily. i need to keep my cool.

"the pleasure is all mine. thank you, ma'am."

dan's mum giggled and told me to drop the formalities. we talked as we headed to dan's room which only took a few steps. leah, patted my back and gave me a smile before striding down the stairs, leaving me all alone in front of dan's room.

i knocked on the door thrice before twisting the knob and pushing on the door slightly.

"mum, i told you i'm not hungry." dan said lazily, sprawled across the bed, his eyes shut.

i took a deep breath before saying, "it's phil." he visibly went rigid when he heard my voice, immediately springing up to look at me, his eyes wide. "phil?"

"y-yeah it's me." i smiled a little, "surprise?"

he patted on the bed beside him, silently asking me to sit. i complied.

he's saying something but i can't understand any word he's saying because of the overwhelming urge to kiss him that came over me. the whole time he's speaking, i'm just looking at his lips. thinking how good would it feel like if i just leaned in and press my lips on his own. god, i miss those pink plump lips. i haven't kissed him in ages and now it's taking everything for me not to just cup his cheeks and bring his face closer.

"phil?" i was pulled out of my trance when i felt a hand on my arm.

"hmm?" i hummed in response.

"i asked you what are you doing here?"

"i-i," i scratched the back of my neck, "i just thought i have to clear things up."

he raised an eyebrow, "and what is it?"

"i wasn't cheating," i paused. "that was just my cousin, ethan. his phone died and asked if he could borrow my phone so i lent it to him. i was with my relatives that time, i swear." i looked down on the floor, thinking if i sounded too defensive.

"you know i—"

my head shot up when i heard a faint giggle that slipped past his lips.

"i know you wouldn't do that. you love me too much."

"but y—"

"i know i'm a bit insecure but i know you're not that kind of person and i trust you." he interlocked our fingers together and looked directly in my eye. he pecked me on the lips and smiled.

"but please tell your cousin not to do that again. i get really jealous sometimes you know." he laughed lightly, his shoulders shaking a bit.

"i only got my eyes for you, no need to be jealous." i winked.

"oh, shut up lester."

"make me."

"guess i just have to." he finally leaned in and tilted his head a bit to properly kiss me. the kiss was lazy and slow, his hands gripping tightly on my back. he lets out needy whimpers occasionally when we need to pull away for air, only to dive back and explore each other's lips again.

i loved every second of it.

grae: i feel like i'm dragging this fic for too long hhh

also, i've been receiving a lot of comments lately and i just want you all to know that i love reading all your comments. thank you <3

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