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kickthephil: phil what the fuck

snowdude: so we're talking now?

kickthephil: you're the one who doesnt wanna talk

kickthephil: i just mentioned "gail" and suddenly you dont even want to talk to me

Read 4:21 p.m.

kickthephil: ok im just gonna say that i saw you with some girl and im assuming that it's gail

snowdude: we're just talking

kickthephil: she's clinging onto ur arm like her life depends on it

Read 4:26 p.m.

kickthephil: honestly, if the two of you are a thing, i wouldnt care

kickthephil: i mean if not for the fact that you're technically dating dan

Read 4:23 p.m.

kickthephil: why do you keep on doing that?

snowdude: because you keep on implying that gail and i are together and its honestly starting to piss me off

kickthephil: well aren't you

snowdude: oh my god

snowdude: how many times do i have to tell you

snowdude: i like dan a lot i wouldnt do that to him

kickthephil: you're not acting like it

snowdude: fuck this

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