7 Minutes to Say Goodnight

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I raised an eyebrow but didn’t say anything. I just followed Mariya into the park. The trees that lined the walking path was lit up with lights. There was several benches scattered in between the lighted trees. Silence was all you could hear. Peace was all you feel. Unless you’re me. ‘Cause all I feel is familiar.

As we through the park, little shivers go up my back. “You alright?” Mariya asked, lightly touching my arm.

Blinking, I mumbled, “Yeah, I’m fine.”

“Yeah don’t you sit down for while.” She said, guiding me to the bench behind me. When i was seated, she smiled and said, “I’ll be back with the ice cream, okay?”

I nodded. She walked about 8 feet to an old truck. It was painted white and had stickers covering almost every inch of paint. There a sign in front of the truck, leaning against the tire wheel. Feeling better, I got up and walked over to where Mariya was standing. Waiting for her order, I assume.

She saw me and a worried look crossed her face. “You shouldn’t be walking if your lightheaded.”

“I’m better know. Don’t be a worry wort, Doc.” I smiled. So did she.

“Someone I knew used to call me ‘Doc’.” She smiled grew.

“Really?” An image flashed through my mind. A girl dressed up as a doctor. A boy dressed in a rob too big for him.

“Yeah. There was this kid I used to play doctor with. It was my dream to grow up and become a doctor.”

“Is it still your dream?”

She thought about it for a while. “To be honest, no. But it’s what my parents want me to do.”

“If not doctor, then what?” I wanted to get as much information out of her as I could. I wanted to know her.

She got our ice cream, handed me mines, and we walked back to the bench she left me at. “Um…” She stalled.

I nudged her a little, “Come one. It’s not that bad is it?”

“No.” She shook her head, “But it is unrealistic.”

“What is it?”


“Really? That’s awesome.”

“Really? You don’t think its stupid? Or unrealistic?”

“Absolutely not. I think its great that you want to become a writer.”

She scoffed, “Not my parents. I brought it up to them two years ago. They flat out told me that being a writer was stupid and childish.” She took a spoonful of ice cream and put it in her mouth.

“Why do you want to become a writer?” I asked her.

She smiled. “Whenever I read a book, I escape into another world. I’m no longer myself. I get live in the eyes of someone else. I get to feel everything the character feels. Its just the same when I write.”

I was speechless for a moment. Everything she said had so much passion behind it. It made me want to pick up a book and start reading. And I don’t like to read. “Maybe you should tell your parents what you just told me.”

She looked at me. A look that told me she was scared crossed her face, but a look of confident was there too. “Maybe I will.”

We just sat there and finished our ice cream. After we were done, we took that stroll in the park. Everything was peaceful and quiet. Not even the trees made a sound. We a saw a few squirrels running up trees and into their homes.

We walked out of the park and rounded a corner. We continued to walked for a few more minutes before Mariya asked, “Wanna play 20 questions?”

I shook my head. “Lets play 10 questions.” I had an idea.

“10 questions?” She asked amused.

“Yeah. Like 20 questions but split it in half. 10 questions tonight. Another 10 tomorrow.” I wanted to see her again. I needed to see her again.

“Mmm… Alright.” She said. “You go first.”

“Okay. What’s the name of your favorite band?”

She hesitated, thinking. Then she looked at me with a worried look. “Don’t judge me okay?”

“Promise.” With my index finger, I drew a cross over my heart. “Cross my heart.” Instead of giving me an answer, she laughed.

“What?” I asked her, smiling. God, her laughs are so beautiful. “What is it?”

“Nothing.” She said when she finally caught her breath. “That just reminded me of something I used to do as a kid.”

Hmm. “That seems to happen a lot. Me reminding you of something.” Maybe. Just maybe.

She thought about it. “Yeah. I guess your right. Anyway, my favorite band is Panic! At the Disco."

I'm pretty sure I froze in my place. "Really? Panic! At the Disco? You really don't look like the type of person who listens to Panic! At the Disco."

She rolled her eyes and walked past me. "I know, I know. Now, my turn. What’s your favorite food?”

We continued our 10 questions and it actually went past ten. I lost count after a while. We just kept asking each other questions until we reached her doorstep. Her house was a simple two-story house. It was painted white but the linings were green. The house was dark, with only the front light on.

“This is me.” Mariya said, looking at me with a smile. “Thanks. For the “talk”, and the company.” 

Returning the smile, “Yeah. No problem. I had fun.”

“Really?” She raised an eyebrow. “You had fun? With me?”

Getting nervous and feeling my palms begin to sweat, I shifted from foot to foot. “Of course I had fun. You’re a really fun person.”

Silence was all that came from her. After what felt like a hour, she said, “Thanks. No one really thinks of me as “fun”. Well, besides my friends.”

“Well that’s hard to believe.” I pushed a lock of brunette hair out of her face as the wind started to  blow it.

“So, do you wanna hang out tomorrow?” She asked. “We could go to the movies or something.”

God yes. “Um, yeah. That’ll be great. I’ll let you pick the movie.” A movie with her. Just us. Best day ever.

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