Chapter 5: Horror Trouble

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Last time, Ink and Sans told you today you're going to hang out with Horror. You couldn't believed for what you have heard but you know it's the truth. "I'm...going to time with Horror??"You asked then and they nodded sadly as they gave you the timetable paper.

"Is this going to be bad?" You asked.

"To be honest, i don't know (Y/N) but i promise. If anything happened, we will save you quickly. Just press the button remote and the alarm of this house will turned on," Ink Explained.

"Okay, i will hang out with Horror," you said.

"Be safe kiddo, just don't forget what we've told you," Sans said as he gave a comforting pat on you're back.

Suddenly someone called you from behind. "Hey sweetheart, are you ready to hang out with the 1st person?" He asked. You looked at Ink and Sans who are hoping you to say no but you are determined to befriend with Horror. "Yes, i'm ready to hang out with Horror," you said. Ink and Sans were giving you a shocked mixed confused glance. They become more worried to you.

"Alright, pack your determination because Horror not really a nice person. He murdered a lot of people than Fell," He said as he gave a backpack to you and take you to you're bedroom. He opened the door and closed it gently. You were packing what you need like band aid, medicine, scissor, note, the safety remote, drink a box lunch filled with sandwiches and then pencil case. Meanwhile when you're packing. Ink and Sans we're arguing with G sans about the timetable.

"G Sans! Don't you know Horror is dangerous!?!" Ink said angrily.

"Horror could kill her if he wants, she could get hurt," Sans said.

"Hold on Ink and Sans, this is for the best. I already told Horror not to kill her expect if she is a Genocide person. Do you really want to happened again like a last time when you almost put Blueberry in danger? The last human you brought Ink...almost killed Blueberry. That's why i put her on the test first. If she can forgive and give Horror a mercy....i will put gave her the safer one. That's why for tomorrow, she will hang out with Blueberry if she prove that she is Pacifist person and don't tell her about this," G sans explained.

G sans stood up and walked to the upstairs and finding you already packed up. "Follow me sweetheard," he said as he took your hand gently and lead to you to the downstairs. At the living room, he stops and looked at you"Wait here okay? I'm gonna call Horror," he said. He went to the upstairs again, you heard G sans talking with a creepy voice.

"Go to the downstairs Horror, this is you're day when you are going to spend you're time with her," G sans.

"Ugh...fine, but you owe me one human so i could hold my Lust blood," Horror said.

You saw G sans with a skeleton who have a hole crack on the right side of his head. "(Y/n) do you remember who is this. This is Horror, he's the one who are going to hang out with you," he said. You nodded and looked at Horror shyly "Hey Horror, nice to meet you again," you said. He rolled his eyes and looked at you"Yeah, let's get going kay. I need to kill someone," he said.

"Horror be nice to her, she is new okay. So remember what i told you," G Sans glared at him.

"Alright,i won't be rude to her....except she is Genocide," he said.

Suddenly Horror grabbed you're arm and disappear. G sans stay silent for a moment and whispered "Good luck (Y/N), if you are Genocide person, he will kill you and dispose you're corpse." Then he disappear as he secretly following you from far without anyone noticed. Meanwhile, you and Horror went to the forest but not a regular forest. It's a creepy forest that held many monsters in there.

You we're scared but Horror out of nowhere. Suddenly an axe almost hit you but you dodged it before. "W-where are you? Who are you?!?!" You became scared, suddenly you heard a rustle and someone running. Before you could have turn around, something hit you from behind and you groaned in pain. You looked who it was, it was Horror who hit you from behind. "Surprised? Because today i'm going to kill you~" he said creepily. You stood up, but you didn't take you're scissor but instead you're trying to talk to him.

"Horror...why are you so angry? Why did you hit me? Did i hurt you or attack you?" You choose to asked him instead attacking him back.

Horror was shocked for a moment but he smirked again"Because i want to see how scared you are, human likes you are annoying." Suddenly he threw another axe to you. The axe sliced you're left arm and it stings badly. You hissed but you we're determined to forgive him. "Why, why are you so angry to the humans? Did the humans did anything to you?" You asked as you dodged another axe and a bone attack. He was really angry that you dodged his attack but his angry expression was changed into a creepy smile.

"Yes, all the humans are genocide like you. All of you just kill like u-" He was shocked when you hug him "I'm sorry if the last human you met are evil...but not all the humans like that. Some of them are kind and gentle," you said. He was shocked for a moment but he dropped his axe and hugged you back.

"It's not your fault kitten.....sorry for attacking you," he said.

You smiled and hugged him more as a forgiveness.

Meanwhile G Sans watched everything and smiled happily "Finally, we met the true pacifist person." He disappeared to the mansion.


This is pretty long story and my hands little bit tired but it's okay. Thank you everyone for reading this story. Did you like this story? I hope you liked it




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