secret notes || patrick hockstetter

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I combined these 2 requests:
request : "Hey can you do an imagine of where y/n finds a secret admirer note in her locker and after a couple weeks has a plan and wants to see who's putting them on her locker, and sees Patrick putting them there. Then one day after the bell she goes to her locker and sees Patrick putting another note in and then he panics and runs out on y/n and she runs after him and they admit they love each other."

"Could you do a patrick one where the reader hears him screaming in the sewers and saves his punk ass from pennywise but pat runs away from her cause he's embarrassed but sneaks into her room that night ? "
word count :

OK THIS IMAGINE HAS TAKEN ME A OVER A WEEK TO WRITE...YALL better love the fuck out of it. There is also a few time skips but you'll get what's going on!  This is my longest imagine so far.
word count: 2000+
Annoyed and exhausted, I unlocked my locker, shoving my books into the small, slender space.  The day had finally come to a close, after what felt like days. I didn't have any homework so after throwing the books from today in there I was satisfied. I went to pull out my army green jacket and as I did a blue sticky note slid down my locker and daintily landed on the floor in front of me. Quirking an eyebrow, I kneeled down and lifted it off the ground, it read in messy lowercase letters:

you look really pretty when you wear blue, it's my favorite color on you.

I was at a loss who could've wrote me the short note. Glancing down the hall for any possible admirers, I was only met with the eyes of the creepy, old janitor from Michigan. He looked at me and sent a daunting wave in which I widened my eyes and looked away from his perverted self. It was a boy's handwriting, messy and rushed.

Days went by, weeks even and those notes always ended up in my locker. They complimented me or told me to cheer up when I was feeling sad but they never had a name signed with them. I could only imagine who it could be, maybe Ben? He was always really shy around me but I knew he could write well. Or how about Eddie? He always got really nervous when he was talking to me. I was determined to find out who was leaving me the secret
notes. I needed a plan. Pondering on what could be a clever idea, a flawless plan came into my mind.

Get there before the note does. I glanced at my watch, 7:43 a.m. , no one was at school yet, except a few teachers and some students who came for extra help. The note had always been in my locker by 2:30, never earlier. Today, I was going to find out who was leaving me the secret notes.


I waited behind the corner, having a clear view of my locker. It was 2:28 and I knew whoever my secret admirer was, would be in view soon. As I started to fidget, nervously playing with the strings on my skirt, I heard shuffling in the hallway. I peaked out from behind the corner I was standing in, to see Patrick Hockstetter. He was playing with his lighter. It wasn't a shocker he wasn't in class, he skipped like it was his job. I rolled my eyes, considering he was too much of a toolbag to even attempt to learn. Thinking he was going to walk down the hallway, my eyebrows knitted in confusion as he stopped in front of my locker. He looked both ways down the hallway, seeing if anyone was around. I gasped and ducked, hoping he didn't see me.

Waiting a few seconds, I peered again, still hidden. There he was, folding up a blue sticky note and shoving it through the vent of my locker. Shocked was an understatement... I was at a loss for words. I decided to call him out on his rather romantic actions.

"Patrick?" I questioned, coming into the view of the lanky boy. His eyes widened and he tried to look like he was just leaning against my locker, not putting something in it.

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