What the fuck did I just do? Henry Bowers

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word count: 1387

I stood in the hallway with Richie, Eddie and Bill talking about a science project we were assigned.

"You g-guys wanna come to my h-house after school? " Bill asked because we had to create an experiment with directions and all that scientific bullshit. We all nodded.

"Yo where's your girlfriend Bill?" Eddie teased shoving him and Bill shot him a dirty look. They never told me this type of stuff.

"Who's his girlfriend? Beverly? " I asked with a smirk.

"S-shut up Y/n." He said, his face turning bright red.

I laughed then glanced down the hallway to see Henry Bowers, Vic, Belch, and Patrick walking down the hallway, picking on kids as the passed. Patrick made eye contact and whispered something to Belch and started coming our way.

"Ew what the fuck do they want?" Richie asked rolling his eyes.

"Maybe we should just pretend they're not there?" Eddie tried to reason and we all shot him a look.

"That is one of the worst ideas I have ever heard from you. Yeah we pretend they're not there? Then they beat the shit out of us." Richie said with an attitude, like always. I let out a chuckle and Eddie flipped off Richie in the process.

Then Billy got shoved into the lockers, very harshly may I add, by Patrick.

"Hey loser." Patrick laughed as Billy picked up all the books he dropped.

"Look who it is, the nastiest who from Whoville. I loved you in the Grinch!" I teased Patrick based on his appearance. I heard Richie and Eddie stifle a laugh. (a/n I really think Patrick does look like he's from a dr. Seuss movie ok next )

"Shut the fuck up slut." Patrick said looking down on me. He was pushed right up against me. Henry was staring at me with a blank expression on his face. Henry typically was the one to pick on me and all my friends but for some reason he was all quiet today.

I cringed at the feeling of Patrick leaning up against me.

"Back off , you perv." I said using all my strength to shove him off of me, which he stumbled into Henry.

"Who the fuck does this bitch think she is? I do whatever the fuck I want, when I want, with who I want." Patrick said to his friends, including Henry who stood there staring at me.

"Want me to fuck her up?" Victor asked with a smirk.

My friends stood paralyzed with fear. Eddie took out his inhaler and started using it vigorously.

"Nah, Bowers I'm letting you do this one. You seem pretty sad maybe this will cheer you up." Patrick said patting his friend Henry on the back. I gulped as Henry began walking toward me.

"Fuck off Henry. Don't fucking touch me." I said as he came closer.

He still didn't say anything. He grabbed my waist and shoved me against the locker. He looked super hesitant and was doing this all very slow. He raised his fist and went to punch me but then Richie , Eddie, and Bill threw their books at his head.

"Oh now you wanna fucking do something? I'll beat your asses." Henry threatened chasing after my best friends as they sprinted down the hall. I gotta make sure I thank them later for that.

"Damn, what was taking him so long? I'll just do the job myself." Patrick paused before raising his fist and punching me in the eye. My head throbbed as it fell back against the locker. I had never been in so much pain.

"Lemme jump in." Belch said as he kicked me in the stomach, adding a punch to my nose.

I put my hand over my nose and looked down to see my hand covered in blood.

"Our work is done here, let's go find Henry." Patrick said leading his friends away. I felt a tear escape my eye, I didn't even realize I was crying. I had never been in so much pain before. Wishing Eddie was here to clean me up and tell me it was going to be okay, were the only thoughts going through my mind. Unfortunately he or any of my friends were no where to be found.

I felt like I was gonna pass out, so I closed my eyes hoping someone would find me soon. I had little strength to even get up from the floor so I just sat there. Hoping someone would stumble across me , school had ended 20 minutes ago so basically no one was still here.

"You look terrible." A voice said from above me. I pried open my eyes to see Henry standing  above me.

"Please don't hurt me." I said covering my face, hoping I wouldn't get punched again.

"I'm not gonna touch you. What happened?" He said sitting next to me. I had never had a real conversation with him, the only ones I ever had consisted of insults and curses.

"Your prick friends beat me up, Patrick did the most damage." I truthfully said as I wiped blood off of my nose.

"Yeah you look like the shit was beat out of you." He said in his normal asshole voice.

"Wow, you're so observant. If you're here to insult me or throw me in the dumpster behind school, can you just get to it? I'm sick of you wasting my time." I replied with a very snippy attitude.

"Listen, I-I uh I wanted to tell you something." He began but I rolled my eyes.

"What Henry? If this is that 'I totally feel bad about bullying you' bullshit I don't wanna fucking hear it. You're just trying to make me vulnerable just before you do something completely cruel." I was not taking any of his lies.

"No...that's not the case. I-I want to apologize for being such a dick. I know what I've done to you is pretty bad-" he began but I quickly cut him off.

"Pretty bad? You and your friends fucking locked me in a locker for the whole school day, you broke the window to my room, you vandalized my locker with 'slut' and that's only just a few of the evil things you've done. Save your lies." I sharply responded.

He sighed and stood up. Thinking he was leaving, I closed my eyes and sighed, leaning against the lockers to rest. But within seconds I felt him grab my waist and throw me over his shoulder.

"Put me the fuck down." I whined while trying to pull myself out of his grip.

"I'm taking you to the bathroom to clean you up." He stayed as he walked into the boys' bathroom with me and put me on the sink.

He began cleaning up the blood off my face and I stared into his eyes. He was attractive. His messy blonde hair and his piercing eyes complimented him so nicely. I guess I had always had a slight crush on him, but it was masked by his nasty demeanor. I know, how could you like someone so scary? I asked myself the same question all the time.

"Stop staring at me." He said with a smirk and I felt my face heat up.

"Where the fuck am I supposed to look? You're literally standing right in front of m-" I complained but was quickly cut off with his lips on mine. I immediately kissed back, grabbing his hair. I felt him stand in between my legs and put his hands on my waist. I felt his hands start to go up my shirt when the bathroom door opened.

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" Richie screamed, his eyes wide with Billy and Eddie mimicking his actions.

"Uhhh I-..." I stuttered for an explanation but I quickly hopped of the sink.

"Are you okay? Why were you kissing him? that's disgusting." Eddie said making a grossed out face but looked at me with concern.

"Yeah what Y/n. E-explain." Bill said crossing his arms and giving me a confused look.

I sighed and pushed the three of them out of the bathroom, ready to explain what happened. Before leaving I glanced over my shoulder and looked at Henry. He sent me a wink and I quickly turned around, blushing like crazy.

What the fuck did I just do?

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