you're whipped || victor criss

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I combined two requests for this :
-i don't have anything too specific but the bowers gang all trying to peak on the reader in the girls' locker room,,, maybe a little more focused on victor?
-can i get an imagine where the reader makes a bold move on vic, and he starts to really like her? the gang teases vic about it, but it's just really fluffy & cute?
word count: 1300+

We all sat down at Victor's kitchen table, of course the boys weren't including me in the conversation, again.

"So then I was like fucking her from the back and she was moaning so loud." Patrick exaggerated, making motions of how he had sex with this girl Hannah. I raised my eyebrow, knowing she would pretty much never fuck him but didn't even bother calling him out in his lie. The boys all let out a chuckle and were surprised with his story.

I sat next to Victor, with Belch and Henry sitting across from us and Patrick at the head of the table. I continued to do my Sociology worksheet, reading the questions for homework.

"Y/n why are you doing your homework?" Henry asked annoyed, rolling his eyes and throwing my papers off the table, multiple worksheets flying everywhere. I groaned looking down at the scattered mess.

"Um because I actually care about my grades, unlike you idiots." I added, getting on my knees, picking up the numerous papers on the tiled floor.

"Oh baby get on your knees!" Patrick remarked grabbing his crotch and smirking at me. Victor and I shot him a look of disgust. Victor mouthed something to Patrick, gritting his teeth. I couldn't see what he was saying to him. The boys all glanced at Victor with a smirk. He turned bright red and got up out of his seat walking to his refrigerator and taking out a beer, quickly opening it and chugging it, not bothering to say a word. That was weird.

"You are a pervert, my friend." I laughed as I stood up, clutching my papers to my chest. He shrugged and let out a small laugh.

I glanced at Victor standing near the window, totally isolating himself from everyone.

"Hey Victor are you good man?" Belch asked, confused as to why he was suddenly quiet.

"Oh yeah it's- nothing." He solemnly remarked, looking down, playing with the buttons on his jacket. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at the rest of the guys, did they know something I didn't? They all just looked at me, holding back a laugh. "What?" I whispered, only loud enough for them to hear.

"'Nothing' my ass..." Henry finally burst out with laughter along with the rest of them.

"Why are you guys dying of laughter?"
I questioned, glancing around the table, then looking at Victor who stood on the other side of the room with a pissed off expression.

"Victor's just such a fucking-" Belch got cut off at Victor throwing his now, empty beer can at Belch's head.

"Belch stop." I warned getting up out of my seat, walking over to Victor. I placed my hand over his forearm and heard the boys "ooooooo" in the background. "What's going on? Why are you all upset suddenly? You were fine before..." I asked looking up at him, begging for an answer.

"It's really nothing...can we just drop it?" Victor asked, staring past me at Patrick, ready to kill him.

"Yeah of course. Come on, come sit." I laced my fingers with his and dragged him back to the table. We both sat in our original seats as I noticed Henry raising his eyebrow and getting ready to tease me.

I quickly changed the subject before he could get any words out. "Wanna go to the barrens?"

••• {time skip}

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