hickeys || victor criss

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this was unrequested! something just tells me that Victor would be so shy about this type of stuff and his friends would pick on him for it!

Thank you for 23k! If anyone wants to make me a cover for the book I'll shout you out and write you an imagine (:

Word count: 700+


"What the fuck is that on your neck?!" Belch shouted poking Victor's neck and looking at it quizzically. His hand instantly shot up, covering the bruised flesh on his neck. Victor was very shy to begin with, so when his friends called him out on something "embarrassing", it was ten times worse for him.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about." Victor mumbled, avoiding eye contact with the three boys in front of him. Victor knew exactly what Belch was talking about.

Him and Y/n had hung out the night before and it happened in a matter of minutes. He gave her one too, but she managed to cover the purple bruise up with makeup.

"What slut gave you that?" Patrick asked with a smirk, folding his arms and leaning against Amy.

"She's not a slut... and no one." Victor defensively muttered, not making eye contact with any of his friends.

"Stop bein' a pussy and tell us already!" Henry shouted, a little too harshly. He shoved Vic in the shoulder, bumping him against the door of Belch's car.

"It was Y/n..." Vic quietly admitted, looking up to see his friends' reactions.

"No fucking way. Bullshit!" Patrick accused with approval from Henry.

"I'm being serious guys... she came over my house yesterday." Victor spoke, trying to sound confident.

"Y/n is hot and dude, no offense but why would she go for someone like you?" Henry asked which made Victor frown.

"I-I don't know, we've been a thing for a while now..." Victor mumbled, suddenly feeling insecure.

"Good try Vic but that's the biggest bullshit I've ever heard." All the boys laughed at Victor, he never had felt so pathetic.

Why didn't they think he could get a girl like Y/n? He let out an annoyed sigh but didn't bother stirring the pot with the guys, he was better than that.


I glanced around the front of the school parking lot for Victor. I had his jacket he had lent to me and I felt bad for keeping it.

I knew he would be with the Bowers Gang so I searched for the blue trans am and surely enough, I found the boys, smoking cigarettes while loudly catcalling girls walking nearby.

I smiled to myself as I saw Victor look at them disapprovingly. He wasn't a bad kid, he just hung out with the wrong group of people.

Most girls would be scared to go near Henry's group but my almost boyfriend was over there, so I didn't care.

I slowly strolled up to them shoving Victor's army jacket in his arms with a grin. The boys stopped talking.

"Thanks Y/n, but you should keep it." Victor commented with a wink handing it back to me.

Patrick and Henry stood there with this dumb, shocked look on their faces. Did I do something wrong?

I clutched the jacket in my hands and quirked an eyebrow at the dumbfounded boys standing in front of me.

"Are you okay Hockstetter? You look like you are gonna shit yourself." I commented with a smirk as I heard Victor and Belch chuckle in the background.

"Fuck off Y/n." He spat back with an eye roll, it was unusually not very, cruel. He looked defeated.

"So are you like a vacuum or something? Look at Vic's neck! That shit is purple!" Belch exclaimed, mesmerized at the hickey Victor was given by me.

I let out a small giggle and shrugged, knowing the mark was pretty bad.

"No offense but why would you go for a guy like Victor when you can have a guy like me?" Patrick smirked, leaning against the hood of Amy, adding a wink, and trying to seduce me? Trying. And failing.

"Because I only go for 10s and you're a 5. Bye Victor, I'll see you later." I winked and quickly kissed Victor goodbye.

As I walked away from the boys, I heard Henry whisper, "Dude, how did you manage to get her?"

The real question is how did I manage to get so lucky with a guy like Vic?


okayyy so idk if I liked this or not! But yes QOTD: where are you guys from??

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