protective || the bowers gang

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Request : "maybe a Bowers Gang Imagine where (Y/n) is this good girl but she hangs with the guys and they're really protective over her and always call her "Our Girl" plus I love your writing style so I'd love to see more of your work!!"
-not one of my longer imagines but to the point !! Word count : 700
The Bowers gang was full of narcissistic douchebags that happened to be my best friends. They were known for bullying and tormenting other kids, but I overlooked that because they were good people deep down. There was Henry, the leader, who had major daddy issues and was super mean, but would never lay a finger on me. Then Patrick, some people thought he often came off as "Pervy" but he was just a flirt. Then there was Belch, a major softie deep down, but a tough exterior. And then Victor, in my defense he was pretty harmless but he always watched the tormenting, never participated.

I wasn't just friends with the guys though. I had a lot of other friends too, and sometimes they didn't like that. They cut 3rd period to go smoke behind the school so I sat with Richie, Billy, Eddie, and Stan at lunch. Of course, I never had bullied anyone.

Henry's main targets were Mike and Billy. Belch liked to pick on Eddie and Stan. Patrick went after Ben and Richie constantly. He would always refer to Ben as 'tits' which was incredibly rude. Victor would occasionally tease Beverly but he would never touch her.

We were talking about who was the funniest in the group and of course Richie kept insisting that it was him. In my opinion, I thought it was Eddie and Stan seemed to agree. Bill remained silent, not wanting to upset Richie.

"Ok Y/n, I am SO much funnier than Eddie." Richie exaggerated as I explained how Eddie always made funny side comments.

"All you do is hit on me and make inappropriate sexual jokes." I shot back at him with a laugh. Bill and Stan chuckled and Eddie agreed. Richie's face dropped and he playfully tackled me off the lunch bench, pushing me onto the soft grass.

"What'd you just say?" Richie asked, trying to be serious but ended up failing miserably when he started laughing, losing his 'mean' voice.

"Hey!" A guy's voice yelled from the distance. I pushed Richie off of me when I saw Henry, Patrick, Vic, and Belch come into the picture. They were super protective and I knew they saw Richie pinning me down.

"Hi!" I popped up off the ground with a smile, brushing my shorts off.

"Were these freaks bothering our girl?" Henry questioned, gritting his teeth as he spoke. He eyed Richie up and down and grabbed him by the shirt, lifting him off the ground.

"No Henry. We were joking. Please let go of him." I begged, not wanting my friends to start picking on the visibly smaller boy and his friends.

"Listen Tozier, lay your hands on her again and you're fuckin' dead. You got me?" Patrick threatened, getting in Richie's face, pushing his head back with his hand after he was done speaking to him.

Richie nodded, falling on the ground as Henry let him go. I frowned and looked up at The Bowers Gang, who were praising each other for being assholes. I went over to help Richie up but he shook his head not to, his eyes averting over to Patrick.

I instantly got defensive over Richie to my friends, who the fuck were they to tell me who I can and can't hang out with.

"Why'd you guys do that?" I simply asked, walking over to Patrick and Henry my arms crossed. They were way taller than me so I had to tilt my neck up to talk to them.

"The kid is a loser Y/n. And he was like sitting on you. He needs to know he can't touch you." Victor said in a matter-of-fact tone. I furrowed my eyebrows, completely baffled because Richie was harmless.

"He wouldn't hurt me, you guys didn't have to be so rude to him." I quietly told them, considering Bill, Richie, Stan, and Eddie were still in distance. My friends glanced over at the group of young boys, writing on Eddie's cast.

"You know we are just protecting you." Belch softly commented, speaking up out of all the boys.

"I know." I nodded, "But you can't just go around scaring everyone who talks to me. Got it?" I asked, raising my eyebrow but quickly losing my serious tone as I started giggling.

"Got it." They all said in unison as Henry put his arm around my shoulders.

"Let's get out of here." I suggested, walking with Henry and the rest of my boys closely behind.

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