get the fuck off of her || Henry Bowers

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plot: y/n gets into a fight with Greta
Word count : about 1800
this was unrequested.

"Hey there you fucking whore!" I turned around from my locker to see Greta standing there with her ugly ass friends. She was holding something in her hands behind her back. Let's just say her and I didn't get along well, at all.

"Whore? Nice try fatty." I smirked crossing my arms.

She took from what was behind her back and it revealed my notebook. My eyes widened, considering that was my notebook where I would talk shit about people and talk about Henry. You're probably wondering, 'What do you mean talk about Henry?' Him and I were civil with each other and I had developed a super small crush on him, but no one knew about it and no one was ever going to.

"I read what you wrote about me in here, 'Greta is such a fucking cunt. Not really sure why but Belch Huggins lets her suck his dick everyday after school at the Quarry, which she thinks no one knows about. I also heard that she was going around saying I was fucking Hockstetter, which he fucking wishes. If she keeps talking so much fucking shit about me I'll make sure she keeps that big fucking mouth of hers shut.' "

I smiled, "I did write that, now give me my damn notebook back you fucking pig." I held out my hands waiting for my blue striped notebook to be placed in them.

"I'm not done reading this great novel yet, oh this one is about Bowers." She smirked while opening up to a page with Henry's name on the top. Her friends giggled. My face dropped and I felt my heart sink.

I quickly walked up to her but her 4 friends pinned me back against the wall. They were much larger than me but I still tried fighting their grip. They held me against the locker as Greta began reading.

"Today Henry and I worked on a project together in English. It was nice because I didn't have to actually do all of the work. He was actually being nice to me, which he never is to anyone. I wish he would notice me more, but he never seems to." Greta made a sarcastic 'aw' at the end before chucking my notebook down the hallway, left open with Henry's page.

"You're fucking pathetic. You need 4 people to hold me back so I don't rock your shit?" I grimaced, eyeing my notebook down, which laid across the hallway, not a person in sight to grab it. Thank god.

"Rock my shit? Oh please I would love to see you try." Greta emphasized, gritting her teeth.

"Okay well as long as you're not pregnant, which I would check because you're looking like you got a bun in the oven, I will 100% take you on bitch." I cracked my knuckles as her four friends let go of me. I got ready to swing at her when I heard a male voice. Everyone stopped and turned their attention to the guy.

"Well well Well, what do we have here?" It was Patrick Hockstetter, Henry Bowers, Victor Criss and Belch Huggins. Patrick held my notebook in his hands. I felt my heart drop, considering he had probably read it and showed Henry.

"You just arrived right on time, I'm about to pound this little bitch into pieces, wanna help?" She asked Patrick, trying to be flirty and ultimately failing. Patrick gave her a dirty look and raised an eyebrow at her, considering he was not attracted to her, at all.

"Y/n? What'd she ever do to you?" Henry quickly piped in, I glanced over at him playing with his pocket knife and not making eye contact with anyone.

"Oh Henry you must know something about Y/n ...she's a fucking whore. She goes around fucking everyone in sight and all she does is talk shit about me, someone who never does anything to her." She innocently claimed when it was actually the opposite.

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