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It’s 10.30am and I woke up 10 minutes ago. I didn’t even shower. I’m afraid Ira is waiting for me at the lobby. I run to the lobby to see... no one.  I go to Ira’s room and knocked. No one answers. So I call her. I can hear her phone ring from outside her room. I hear her say: “Eh you pick the phone up, it’s destroying my sleep.” Her bro’s voice replies with,“Hell No.” I put down the phone so that I don’t wake her up. But her brother opens the door. “Hey lil’ buddy. I knew it was you. Come on in and look at my sister sleep. Look at how unglam she looks,” he smirks. I smile and observe Ira. She hasn’t changed. Her outfit I mean. One of her shoes is tucked under her head with a pillow and one of her shoes is still on her feet. Her older brother is in his boxer shorts and a tee. “Where are your parents?” I ask. “They’re in the room across this one. But they left a little early. My lil’ bro has a playdate with my cousin and my parents are staying over at my uncle’s. So yes, you have free access to bring Ira out till Monday. But our parents gave me my credit card to use and she only has like 80 bucks in her wallet so don’t expect too much,” he says as he digs for Ira’s wallet. She looks like an angel sleeping. Her hair’s in a loose braid and loose strands of her hair is on her face.  I move it away gently as I touch her soft skin. “Hey lil’ perv, don’t do anything to my sis. I’m gonna take a shower,” says her bro as he walks into the bathroom. I feel sleepy. I bet Ira was up all night thinking about what I said to her last night... I was anyway. I lie down next to her and wrap her in my arms as I remove her shoe away from her face. She’s warm even when she’s asleep. I fall into a nice snooze.


I came out of the shower an hour later to find Greyson sleeping next to my baby sis. I’m mean and stuff to my sis but that’s because...she’s my sis. But I won’t let anyone hurt her. I hate the fact that she cut herself. I try to make her stop but she doesn’t listen. I hate to see her hurt herself. My phone rings. It’s my mum. It wakes Greyson up because he was a light sleeper, I guess. “Hey ma. Yeah, she’ the shower. Where were we last night? Well, we went to the mall to catch a movie. What movie?” I glare at Greyson as he mouthes ‘The Avengers’. “It was The Avengers Ma. She had fun. Don’t worry she’s in safe hands. I love you too ma. Yes I’ll call you at night. You too, have fun and take care.” That was close. Greyson still has his arm around Ira. I guess he’s a good kid. He better be. I don’t seem like it, but I’m overprotective sometimes. Ira’s the only sister I have. She’s a girl. A girl growing through puberty needs attention and care. Ain’t gonna let nobody hurt her. It’s 11.20am now and I should be waking Ira up. Else she’d have missed half a day with Greyson. I poke her feet because they’re real sensitive and after the fifth time, she’s up and awake. Then she notice Greyson next to her. She slaps him to see if he’s real. “Oww. You could’ve just asked if it was really me you know? I came up at around 10.30 am...” he’s saying. “WHAT?! WHAT TIME IS IT NOW? WHERE’S MUM AND DAD AND LIL’ BRO?”she asks, shocked. “Calm down. It’s 11.25am. Go shower and get ready. Mum and dad took lil’ bro with them to stay over at our Uncle’s house for the weekend,” I explain. She looks much more relieved. “Okay, I’ll go get ready. But do you boys mind leaving me alone for awhile? I need some PRIVACY,” she says. Ira obviously can’t change in front of us. It’s going to be messy in the bathroom, so she’ll have to change in the room. “Wanna go to my room? I have a PS3,” Greyson says. “Sure, lil’ bro, ” I say as I wear my shoes and then I leave the room, waving Ira goodbye. I hope she’s fine. She doesn’t seem very energetic as usual today...


Does Greyson actually like me? I mean, he can get any girl he wanted. But why me? I didn’t want to get hurt. Nor did I want him to like the wrong part of me. I’m noisy, wreckless, carefree, fun and just loud. And wild. But he’s so...gentle and nice. I get depressed over academics and because of my parents if they misjudge me. But he has all these fame and fortune to live with. I don’t see anything common here. I got into the shower. It’s nice and cold. I’m feeling warm from wearing Greyson’s leather jacket all night. Good thing I didn’t sweat in it else it’d be smelly. I take a nice ten minute shower as usual and start to drying up. I look myself in the mirror. I’m an average teenager with a pimple and blackhead popping out here and there in my face. But Greyson’s a teen with fame and flawless, perfect skin. Curse boys and their perfect skin. They don’t feel the pain of pimples as much as we do when they’re 14 or 15. They don’t feel menstrual cramps either. I’m glad I got my period early this month else I’d be a PMS-ing wreck...Anywho. I start to get ready as I blow dry my hair. I smell like fruits. Yay. I get out of my hotel room after wearing some hot pink vans shoes and a red and blue checkered hoodie over my pink tee. My hair’s a little damp but at least there’s no water dripping.  I’m wearing lovely blue jeans. My favourite pair. I slowly walk to Greyson’s room. Confused. I’m going to ask him why he liked me today. I have to...before I fall any harder

for him. I’m standing outside his door, hand outstretched to knock on room no. 426. However, I pull back my hand. I tense and I decide to calm down and wait a little more before knocking again. I can hear mybrother (after the events these past few days, I’m going to stop calling him Idiot) and Greyson talking and playing on the PS3. I’m not bad myself on the PS3 too... Anyway. Back to reality... “Now, don’t hurt her. She can’t handle it too well when someone she loves or likes and trusts hurts her. I will cut you alive,” I hear my brother. “Don’t worry. I won’t ever hurt her. Never,” I hear Greyson. Aww! I think as a bright new feeling fills me up as I knock the door. Greyson opens and mocks, “Come in, orange queen.” “Delighted to,” I reply.

Woah. The room is amazing. It looks like ours but it BIGGER, BETTER AND CLASSIER. And there’s a PS3 so that makes it a hell lot better. “Wow. Sweet room,” I say. “Thanks. It gets lonely here though. So I’m glad you guys are here,” he says and giggles. Gosh Greyson, stop it. Your giggling is just too adorable.
“Well, you guys get outta the room and have fun till you’re legal to get a room. I’m off to meet my homies for lunch. Gimme a call when you get home or if you need a ride kay?” My brother says as he ruffles both mine and Greyson’s hair on his way out. We smile at each other and soon we’re in the limo on our way around the city.
“I feel really happy and sunshiny. I want to go somewhere where it’s breezy and wide and sandy. Shall we go to the beach?” Greyson asks, beaming.
“Okay. But I’m going barefoot. I HATE sand in my shoes,” I say.
“Since we’re still at the hotel, let’s go and get a beach bag!” he suggests. I nod happily and rush upstairs. I pack some sunscreen, change into a pair of black capris and take an extra set of clothes. I won’t go anywhere near the water but I might get sweaty and smelly so an extra set of clothes are good. I take my deodorant spray and wear my gladiators and pack a pair of flip flops. I can’t really walk in flip flops. I don’t know why. Weird me. Then I run back down.


I changed into some basketball shorts and a tee. I wear some sandals but pack a pair of slippers and a fresh set of clothes along with my deodorant. I know Ira’s going to wear something that won’t show skin. It’s a good thing though.  I’m afraid of the paparazzis, but luckily, I know a beach where not many people occupy untill about 5pm on Fridays so I decide to bring Ira there. I rush back down and see Ira eating in the limo. This girl will never stop eating will she?

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