Chapter Thirteen

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Tam lifted the sim helmet and blinked. He felt like he was waking up from some crazy dream - the kind that left your mind and body sluggish and overly warm. In the chair beside him, Jennet peeled off her e-gloves and ran her fingers through her hair. She looked…

Huh. She actually looked better. Less worn-looking. Her eyes were sparkling, and bright blue. Why had he ever thought they were pale?

She smiled at him, the glow and relief in it making him dizzy. “So - what do you think of Feyland?”

“Really amazing. Those fights…” he shook his head. “I could feel so much in there. Thanks for showing me the Full-D. Let’s do it again - soon.”

Her smile dimmed. “Tam… I really need to tell you—”

“Oh no!” He glanced at the clock blinking on the wall, and then read it again to be sure. “No - it’s not really six-thirty, is it? I promised Marny I’d be home by six. She has to leave by then. Jennet, I have to go. Now.”

He slid out of the chair, apprehension tightening his lungs. What a crappy thing to do to Marny. Hopefully she’d be able to stay a little longer. He didn’t like the thought of the Bug on his own, even for a short time. There was no end of trouble that kid could get into.

“I’ll call the car.” She hit the blue switch beside the sim systems, turning off the jamming field. “HANA?”

“Yes, Miss Jennet?”

“Have George bring the car around front. Mr. Linn needs a ride home, as soon as possible.”

“Right away, miss.”

“I’m sorry,” Jennet said, leading him down the hall. “Time is weird in-game. I knew you had to go, but…”

“It happens.” He had lost plenty of hours in the past, had emerged from simming to find that the whole day had spun away. The consequences this time couldn’t be that bad. He hoped.

Outside it was dark, the air quickly cooling into night. Jennet waited by the grav-car as he climbed in.

“So, see you at school tomorrow?”


“Thanks for playing, Tam.” Her voice was soft, almost wistful.

“See you.” He let the door slide closed and told George where to head. The man didn’t raise an eyebrow, which, considering their destination, was impressive. He must have some weaponry in the car - maybe even attached to it - if the thought of driving into the Exe didn’t worry him.

It was full dark when the grav-car slid to a stop in front of Tam’s building. He mumbled his thanks and got out as fast as he could. People were watching from the shadows and boarded-up windows - he could feel their stares. He hurried up the rickety stairs, not bothering to look back as the car slipped away.

It was quiet upstairs. Too quiet. A quick glance around the living room confirmed that his little brother wasn’t there.

“Hey,” he called. “I’m home. Come out now.”

There was no response - and the Bug wasn’t any good at hiding. He always laughed and gave himself away.

Tam peeked into the tiny room where his mom’s bed was, did a quick check of the cramped bathroom - nothing. He pushed back the panic creeping up his throat.

There was a note on the dingy table. Tam picked it up, trying to keep his fingers steady. It was in Marny’s round handwriting.

Hey Tam, it’s 6:20 and I really need to head out. I gave your evil kid brother the rest of the Sugar Crunchies and made him promise to chill until you got home. Hope you get here soon. And that you had fun.

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