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When Vic and I got in the car, I felt like I was driving a kid around. It was so weird. It was actually more uncomfortable than anything, though. I just kept looking over whenever I had the chance and studying who he was.

His lips were small and plump and he his face looked soft but rustic. It was like I was looking at a mix between a girl and a guy. I knew he was a guy. Though, it was still a bit odd.

As time passed, we talked. In those moments, I listened to his voice. I know I've said it and noticed it before, but whenever he got excited his voice rose. At 17 should a guy's voice go that high? I decided to look up it when I got home.

"So what music do you listen to then?" He asked. Still, I was focused on his voice that he had to shake my arm to get me back down to Earth.

"Woah, hands off," I warned. He looked at me with a quick furrow of the eyebrow but smiled nonetheless. He did a lot of that, really.

"Well, are you going to answer my question? You've been kind enough to let me go on and on." He got his food and I followed him so we could sit down at a table. I had just realized we were at this stage already. Why was I thinking so much?

"Uh, yeah," I said. I focused on him again and he happily ate. I small smirk crossed my face but I left my eyebrows the way they were. Furrowed was their natural position, I suppose. "I listen to a lot of different things, I guess. Old stuff, new stuff, some place in between."

"Any specific genres?"

"Not really. You?"

"Mm, no not really. Just like 'underground' stuff, you know?"

"What?" I asked. "Is that like how rich kids get to be like everyone else and down to earth?" I half-joked. He chuckled.

"No, I meant like undiscovered but rising artists. Soundcloud stuff." He clarified.

"I'd expect you to listen to piano instrumentals. Or hardcore stuff to be defiant."

"Why would I need to be defiant?"

"Don't most well-off kids want to be? Partiers, drug users, etc etc."

"Wow you need to get out more." Vic just looked at me with squinted eyes and a half smile. He resembled his dad and I hated it. It was like he wanted to figure me out. Still, though, I stared back with blank eyes. "Why didn't you get anything to eat?"

"No money," I responded quickly. I needed to get out of here. I was sick of this. It was kind of fun in the beginning but I could tell I was getting annoyed at the differences.

"I could've paid-"

"No," I interrupted. There was no way that I would take money from him.

"Aren't you hungry?"

"Not really. Thanks, though. Are you done here?" I sighed. I noticed him roll his eyes a bit before standing up and throwing his trash away. He walked right out of the front door but I jogged after him. "Jesus, wait will ya."

"Why? You seem sick of me. I might as well just call a taxi." He took out his phone but I groaned and took it from him, shoving it inside of my pocket.

"Let's go," I muttered under my breath as he followed me to the car. Vic had a mischievous smile on his face the entire time but I ignored it.

I ignored his figure for the rest of the way back, too. Every time I looked at him I felt queasy. I knew I shouldn't have come over for that evening. That was a mistake.

When I pulled up, I looked at the time. It was almost time for me to leave but I wanted to make sure that Vic got inside alright. After what I did to Justin for him, I knew he'd try to come around again at some point and I didn't want to see this kid get his ass handed to him.

So, I walked him inside and said good-bye. Hopefully for a while.

I didn't want to go back there for a while, anyway. Seeing Vic made me feel so uneasy but not in a hateful way. It was something else and I didn't want to feel that shit again. Just listening to him talk made it bubble up in my stomach but I would much rather be mad at who he was and what he had than hang out like that again.

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