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"Idiot," I laughed to myself as I ate another chip from the huge bag I had bought last night. All I had been doing all day today was watching television and eating junk food. If you ask me, though, it wasn't the worst plan for my day.

I had nothing else to do, anyway. I mean, it's not like I had to be at school and it wasn't like I had a job lined up already. Although, I did promise mom that I would look and ask around for one tomorrow. At least I had this day to chill.

I paused the TV and lied down on my back. I just stared at the ceiling. I felt upset with myself. Kind of useless in a sense. What was I doing? Why did I drop out? I couldn't even answer that question truthfully. Sure, I knew I had reason but what was the turning point?

Was it the look that people gave me? The one that showed how little they thought of me? Or was it the disconnect I had? The one that made me out to be a degenerate. Unwelcome in the building.

"Fuck!" I yelled as I threw a pillow at the ceiling. It hit it forcefully and fell back down towards me but I made no effort in trying to stop it from hitting me. Instead, I let it hit me and chuckled at how it felt. It was soft, you know? But it was relieving.

I was pulled out of my thoughts as I heard my cell phone ring. It was mom. Well, who else would it be?

"What's up, mama?"

"K, how are you?" Mom asked. She sounded tired.

"I'm okay. Are you?"

"I am, are you home? I just have a small favor to ask."

"Yeah, what is it?"

"I'm outside. Could you come with me please?" I stood up quickly and rushed over to the window. She really was there. She waved to me and everything. "Bring your shoes, honey." She added finally and hung up the phone.

I quickly went outside and met her outside the car but she had turned it off and had the keys in her hands.

"Mom, what is going on?"

"Vic is at home. I want you to go over there and keep him company until nine o'clock."

"What?" She had gone crazy if she thought that would be a good idea. "No way,"

"You have no option. Here are the keys." I stomped my foot and groaned loud enough for the entire street to hear me but my mom threw the keys at me anyway and rushed to the other side of the car.

"I love you, K!" She kissed my cheek and I wiped it off without a second thought before repeating the words back.

What the fuck was going on?

this story is going to be long, I swear.

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