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I started the car and immediately called mom.

"Tell me what is going on or I will bring this car to get food and come right back." I demanded. There was no way I would willingly go over that family's house. Especially because some kid was by himself.

"Please, K. I just want you to be friendly! There's nothing else to it." I could hear her smile on the other end of the line and I mentally groaned with a roll of my eyes.

"Fine. I'll see you later tonight then." I complied. I trusted my mom. She must have had a better reason than what she was letting on so I might as well just go with it.

"I love you."

"I love you too." And the call was over. I pulled off and made my way to the house. I hated that I knew the way already but that was my mind's fault for always having to know where I was going and where I've been. It was instinct, really. Some junk about vulnerability, I don't know.

When I got to the house, there weren't any cars out front. But, who knows, maybe this family kept them in the garage or something so people wouldn't try to steal them.

I walked up the stairs and frustration pinged through me. Why am I here? I hate it here. Nothing is fair when I come and I acknowledge that every time mom drags me. I put my hand up to ring the doorbell but I stopped and stepped backward. Shouldn't I just leave? Just go somewhere else and come back home at 9 so my mom wouldn't know?

I frowned at the thought. Why would I think that? Maybe I was like my dad.

The door opened.

"Kellin?" Vic said. He had a confused look on his face as he stood there in the doorway with a glass of orange juice.

"How did you know I was here?" I wondered aloud.

"There's glass. You know, beside the door. So I can see you when you stand there for like two minutes." Vic replied in a matter-of-fact tone. I laughed at it, actually. He sounded like an asshole. "Do you want to come in?"

"No, I'll just stand out here for like three hours or so." I said sarcastically.

"Alright," Vic began to close the door but I stopped him quickly.

"Wait! I was joking." I stepped inside and cringed at the image of it all. Would I get used to this?

"Oh, I couldn't tell. My bad." Vic said with a smirk. He beckoned me to follow him with a nod of the head and we went into the kitchen. I followed relatively close behind because I didn't want to go 'exploring' again. There wasn't really a point. "Do you want anything to eat or drink? I have junk food." My stomach tied in knots.

"The next thing I eat will be anything but junk food."

"What? Why? It's healthy for you." He chuckled.

"I know, trust me. But I've been eating it all day and didn't want to be too healthy, you know?" Vic nodded his head.

"So, what brings you here?"

"My mom told me to come over, I don't know. I don't really want to be here?"

"Why not?" Because I hate when I see people who think they're better than me. I didn't answer him. Instead, I walked off and changed the topic immediately.

"Where's your room?" I asked. I had had enough of seeing downstairs. Upstairs was unexplored territory and I wanted to see it.

"We can go up there if you'd like." I nodded and Vic began to lead the way. He talked a lot about how my mom was so friendly. It was so random but at least there wasn't silence.

The upstairs was just as big as the downstairs but its look was a lot more on the homey side than the elegance of downstairs. We made a couple turns and were brought to a door at the end of the hall. It was the only door to be seen at that end of the hallway.

"This is my room." Vic said as he opened the door and I was met with girly colored walls. I mean, there was grey with a darkish shade of pink and a bed in the middle of the way. Everything else was off to the side and a fish tank was centered with the bed on the opposing wall.

"Did your mom design this room or something?" I laughed. "It looks like a girl just took over. Where's your room, really?"

"This is my room." Vic shied away. His cheeks turned red and he looked down. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at him. He was pretty sensitive. It was kind of odd. I looked back into the room and stepped in. Vic followed behind but kept his distance before sitting down at his desk chair.

"Cool fish." I smiled, sitting on my knees to look at them. There was about seven in there with a couple snails but they were all so colorful.

"Thanks!" Vic swiveled next to me and pointed them out as he began to name all of them. How he knew all their names, I had no clue. Especially since some looked just alike.

I got up and jumped on his bed. It was kind of hard but comfortable at the same time, I could've fallen asleep.

"So tell me about yourself, then." I said. I rested my head back and listened to him talk for about an hour. Granted, I talked too and I let him know some things about me. Not too much, though. Never too much.

"I want food." Vic said. He leaned back in his chair and grabbed his wallet from his desk.

"Don't you have a chef to make you food?"

"Yeah, but I don't want to bother Mark. He's busy today." I nodded. His voice went high again. He didn't notice it, though; I did.

"Want to get Japanese food?" Vic said again.

"Sure. Can you drive?"


"What? How?" He had so much free time to work on driving.

"Just busy, I guess. You can drive, though, right?"

"Yeah, license and all."

"Great!" High. "Ready to go then?"

I complied. He was giddy. It was so effeminate but I pushed on. I just met him. Maybe he's just excited.

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