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nothing but the sound of heartbeats pulses throughout my ears.

hot breath

along my neck. inching sloppy, wet, hot, kisses down my neck.

his wet mouth continues down my body, i rise and fall with each kiss.

he lifts the blanket, his piercing emerald eyes glancing up at mine


My eyes pop up, my hand flying off of my chin to instinctively flatten my apron.

"Martha, I-I-I'm sorry I-"

"It's okay," She hisses, swinging her wide hips around the counter and to my side. "For now." She places her hand on my shoulder.

"Listen Dear, I know you're going through some things and you've got a lot on your plate, but so does table 17! Go!" She orders, patting my shoulder and sliding me a tray of burgers.

I graze around the corner, staring down the row of tables and booths, under the flourescent pink lighting. The walls were filled with posters of Elvis, James Dean, Sandy and Danny from Grease, all the good stuff. Though the place reaked of fry grease, and only one juke box worked, Betty's Burger's was a home away from home.

"Order up, 17," I call, making my way to the table, setting each plate in front of the couple.

"El! Are you even gonna acknowledge me?!" A familiar squeaky voice calls, and my eyes meet the familiar hazel orbs.

"Oh, Hey, Mi," I say, picking the tray off of the table. I look to the boy next to her, he was tan, with a dark mop sitting on his head, and tattoos covering his arms.

"How ya been?" Mia asks, her gapped smile glowing at me like headlights.

"I'm okay, I-"

"This is my friend Calum!" She shrieks. The tan boy gives me a slight smile and a small wave, before he grabs his napkin to sit on his lap, I couldn't help but glace at his hands as he did so.

Big hands.

"We're going out tonight, I think you should really come."

"I don't know Mi, I-"

"C'mon please!" She begs.

I hadn't been out since, well, last night, and my place was still a mess from the stocky boy that fucked me, and my entire apartment.

If I didn't go out with Mia tonight, I'd probably end up alone at a bar, searching for some half decent man 15 years too old for me, to take home.

"Okay, fine," I agree, and she claps her manicured hands together.

"We'll pick you up at 10!" Mia jumps, taking a sip of her milkshake. I nod, give the tan boy, Calum, a small smile, and then head back to the kitchen.

Going out with Mia was never my favorite, always having to manage her lightweighted ass, but hopefully, by the end of the night, I would just end up with someone to entertain me in bed.




hi there i'm sorry if it's short or boring or whatever but i promise it will pick up and get longer!! just kinda an exposition! i have so many ideas for this story and i hope people will read and enjoy!! love love!

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