Chapter 13

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AN: Woooowww that took long to publish.. I'm so sorry I had the biggest writers block ever and I was really insecure about this chapter :/ Anyway here's the last chapter of Be mine... Forever!


Hinata's POV:

We stayed like that for a while. I kept holding him in my arms without saying anything.

Eventually, Komaeda stopped crying. He stood up and wiped away his tears with the back of his hand.

"So, what do we do now?" He asked. I could hear in his voice that he was very nervous.

"Let's run away." I said.

The words just slipped out of my mouth, I don't know what I just said and the longer I thought about it, the more illogical and stupid it sounded, but I didn't regret it. I meant what I said, I wanted to run away with Komaeda. My thoughts and feelings are a mess right now so I don't know why but I just feel like this is the right thing to do.

"H-Hinata-kun? W-what are you saying?" Komaeda stuttered.

"I want to run away with you, Komaeda." I said again. I smiled at him. His face became all red and he seemed very confused. I grabbed his hand and started running away in the opposite direction of the house and the policemen. Apparently someone noticed us running away and shouted something at us. I didn't care, all I cared about was getting away from there together with Komaeda. We kept running for what seemed like hours till we were sure we were far enough away from the city.

We sat down against a tree, exhausted from all the running. Komaeda was breathing very heavily.

"Hey, are you alright?" I asked him. He nodded in response, too tired to be able to say anything.

A little while later we were both okay again and he wasn't breathing as heavily as before anymore. I was still trying to piece everything together when Komaeda interrupted my thoughts.

"So ehm, can you explain to me now why exactly you wanted to run away with me? You didn't go crazy, did you?" He asked, I chuckled at that.

"No, I did not go insane. Though explaining might be a bit difficult. I mean at the time it seemed like the right thing to do I just don't know why exactly, I'm still trying to organize my thoughts a bit." I said.

"But I'm the one who captured you! You should've gone to the police and just turn me in and be free! But not only did you not do that, you decided to run away with me..." His face looked puzzled.

"Well, is it a bad thing I ran away with you? Yes, it's a weird thing to decide on my part but for you it's good right? You don't seem to hate me so running away with me from the cops was the best thing to do for you, right?" I asked.

"Well, I guess..."

We were both silent again, probably both processing everything that just happened, though the main question on my mind was 'Why am I doing this?'.

Why do I wanna stay with Komaeda? Why couldn't I run over to the cops? Why do I still like him even after everything he's done to me?

The more I thought about it the more obvious it became, even though I didn't really wanna admit it.

I wanted to stay by Komaeda's side, never losing sight of him. Even though he's a bit of an odd guy, with sometimes sudden waves of weird, insane actions, he's still a very sweet, kind and beautiful person. We've been friends for so many years, I just can't imagine a life without him. I wanna see his smile every day, and hear him call my name everyday...

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