Chapter 6

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AN: (1st AN yaaaay) So I wanted to tell you guys some stuff. (Yeah, I probably should've said this at the beginning of the fanfic, oops.. :P) First thing I wanted to say is that I try to update at least every 2 weeks. I believe I've never said this before so yeah, I thought it might be good to know. I have a pretty busy life with school and hobbies and stuff, so that's why I try to update every 2 weeks xD Also I try to make every chapter about 1k words long, but sometimes it varies. Also we reached over 100 reads *^* I'm so shook, thank you guys so much!! Anyway, so now that I've said that enjoy this new chapter~~~


Komaeda's POV:

The bell rang. Everyone in our class quickly ran out of the classroom to the canteen. It was probably something like taco Tuesday. I don't really know... I walked over to Hinata and Nanami. Together we left the classroom as well.

It's been a few weeks since the thing with Hinata ignoring me at school and he still hasn't told me why he did that. It's going better now though. We go to our classes together and stuff and we chat, but he never comes over after school anymore and we basically just don't see each other apart from school. I don't like this at all...

"Hey, Hinata-kun?" I tapped on his shoulder. He turned around to face me.

"Yeah? What's wrong Komaeda?" He asked.

"Well, uhm, could I maybe come over at your place after school? It's been a while and-"

"I don't think that's possible." He interrupted me. He looked at his shoes while he said it.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Well, uh... I mean maybe we can, I'm just not sure if now is the best time..." He said.

"Okay..." I said.

"I'm sorry Komaeda." He apologized. "Maybe another time."

We continued our way to the canteen. We sat down at a table and had to go after Nanami because she was so busy with her video game that she walked past the table. We chatted for a bit and did some stuff on our phones. A few minutes later the bell rang again. We all headed to our next class.

In class I sat next to Hinata-kun. We just had to read some kind of document the entire hour. Before I knew it, the hour was over. We both packed our bags and left the classroom.

"Finally free from hell." I heard Hajime say next to me.


"Well, see you again tomorrow Komaeda!" He said as he walked out of the building.

I just stood there, not really sure what to do.

Maybe I should... go after him? Wait, what? I'm not going to stalk Hinata-kun! I slapped myself in my face. Hinata said right now wasn't the best time! So I'm going to go home and stop thinking about it.

A few moments later I found myself doing exactly the opposite, I was following Hinata-kun to his house. I was in this kind of blurry state, not really aware of what I was doing or what kind of trouble I could get myself into by doing this.

My mind started wandering off and before I knew it I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings anymore.

I crossed a street, not even looking if there were any cars. So of course..

Be mine... Forever (KomaHina)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin