Chapter 11

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AN: Ahhhh I'm sorry it took me so long to publish this ;^; I really wanted to post it earlier but I was so busy with vacation that I forgot...
Anyway enjoy this new chapter~~


Hinata's POV:

I slowly opened my eyes and groaned. I tried to think about what had happened yesterday, but as soon as I remembered that my head started aching.

"Dammit..." I sighed as I held my head.

Yesterday, after Komaeda had left the room I was thinking about solutions on how to stop this and/or escape. I went over every possible way I could think of, but nothing seemed possible. At some point I must've just collapsed or something.

My stomach made a grumbling sound.

"Uhg... If you're gonna lock a person in your room at least make sure they don't starve." I complained.

Just then, I heard a knock on the door and a voice from the other side.

"Hinata-kun~ It's me, I'm coming in~" I heard Komaeda say and soon after he opened the door and brought in a plate with breakfast on it.

"No shit it's you, who else could it be?" I said under my breath. He chuckled at that.

"It's good to see you're still acting like yourself, even in a situation like this." He said smiling.

"Don't get any weird ideas, it's not like I'm feeling comfortable or anything. The only reason I still talk to you is because I still can't comprehend this situation." I said.

"You seem a lot calmer then yesterday though." He said. He walked over to me and placed the plate on the nightstand next to the bed. He sat down on the edge of the bed, way too close to me for my liking.

"What are you doing? Get off." I tried to move away from him even though that was kind of impossible because of the chains and handcuffs.

"What I'm doing? Well, I'm going to feed you of course!" He gave me a big smile.

"What? Fuck no!" I exclaimed. No way in hell am I going to let him feed me.

"How do you expect to eat otherwise? It's not like you can use your hands or anything." He said calmly. This only pissed me off.

"And whose fault is that?!" I exclaimed.

Komaeda grabbed a fork and started trying to feed me small bits of bread. I kept my mouth shut. He pressed the fork against my lips but I just shut them tighter.

"Ugh... Can you just cooperate please? This is getting annoying." He said, but somehow his eyes looked darker than before. I shook my head, still keeping my lips shut tight.

"You know... there are lots of other ways I can think of getting you to eat this... Ways that aren't as pleasant. So if you don't want me to hurt you, you better fucking open your mouth right now." I shot one quick glare at his face and I could tell that he was serious.

I slowly opened my mouth and he immediately showed the fork in my mouth. I chocked and started coughing

"Ughh... KOMAEDA WHAT THE HELL??!! DON'T JUST SHOVE IT IN MY MOUTH!" I yelled. He completely ignored me and continued shoving more bits of bread in my mouth.

After more of me almost dying he was finally done with feeding me.

"Ugh... Hinata-kun look at the mess you made. There are bits of bread all over the bed..." Komaeda sighed.


"Just shut up will you." He stood up and walked out of the room, leaving me alone.

I don't get him anymore... Why is he even doing this? What did I ever do to him? He's just so... creepy like this. And not at all like the Komaeda I know. I wonder if something happened to him or if he's always been this messed up...

Komaeda's POV:

I walked out of the bedroom and closed the door.

"I sure hope he isn't going to be like this every day or I might end up getting so annoyed that I'd do something really bad to him... But, knowing Hinata he'll probably never give up trying to get out of here..." I suddenly realized something and thought for a bit.

"Maybe... If I crush his hope with immense despair surely he'll give up resisting! Hahah! Yes, of course! Why didn't I think of this earlier?"

I ran down the stairs and collected all the things I'd need for my new plan. Once I got everything I put on my jacket and went to the front door. I turned the doorknob and wanted to open the door but... wait, what am I doing? Was I seriously going to crush his hope? What is wrong with me?! Filling Hinata with despair? That's horrible! I admire his hope so much, I'd never want that beautiful hope to go away!

I dropped the bag with all the items in it and went outside for a walk. I needed to sort out my thoughts and the best way to do that for me has always been to go out for a walk.

This has been happening to me more often lately though... Getting extremely dark thoughts that are horribly wrong... I'm not even sure why I made the decision to lock up Hinata... I mean, I don't regret it... I think? Ngh.. I just don't know it anymore, what I'm supposed to do, if I fucked up, I'm not sure about anything anymore.

After some more walking I returned to my house. I went inside and checked the clock in the living room.

"Holy shit it's 3 pm already? But when I left it was morning... Did I lose track of time that much?"

I decided to just shrug it off. It'd be a waste of time of dwell on it now.

I read a book till it was dinnertime. I went upstairs to bring Hinata some food. I knocked on the door.


No response.

"Hinata-kun I'm coming in!" I said just in case he was just ignoring me but could easily hear me.

I entered the room and saw Hinata sleeping on the bed. God he looked adorable when he was asleep...

I decided to let him sleep and just put the tray on the nightsand. I walked to the door again and looked back at him one more time.

"I'm sorry Hinata-kun... For doing this to you... Hopefully it'll be over soon..." I whispered.

I went back one more time and placed a kiss on his forehead.

"Sweet dreams~"

After that I finally left the bedroom and went downstairs to prepare dinner for myself.

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