Chapter 12

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AN: Eyyy I'm finally continuing this after idk 2 months or something. I'm sorry it took me so long to continue on this story.
Also we've reached 1k reads omg! *^* I never expected so many people to read this story but I'm sooo happy xD

Anyway I hope not too many of you have given up on this story and I hope you'll enjoy this new chapter!


Komaeda's POV:

It's been 1 month since I locked up Hinata-kun. Ever since that day, things have slowly been getting worse.

Of course I should've seen this coming. I should've known that locking up someone you love in your bedroom to keep him all to yourself would be the stupidest idea ever. I should've known that all the things I did back then were stupid, but I was too blinded by my own selfish desires to see... and now there's no turning back...

The first few days, Hinata was still very angry with me, but still let me in to bring him food. But the more days went by, the more he started to shut himself in.

After a week or two I started to get a bit more back at my senses and got rid of the chain that kept him locked to the bed so he'd be able to move more freely. I've tried to do things with him too and spend time with him, but he didn't want to.

A few days later his emotions seemed to slowly go away as well. At that point, I started to realize that what I was doing was wrong and that I should let him go, but I couldn't. I didn't wanna let him go and end up being all alone again. So I kept him.

And now I messed up everything.

All Hinata does is sit in front of the window, staring outside, no emotions, no movements, he just sits there doing nothing but staring outside day and night.

I really don't know what to do anymore! Should I let him go when he's like this? Should I search for help and most likely end up in jail?

I walked to Hinata's room and knocked on the door. No response of course. I opened the door and saw him sitting in front of the window as usual. No emotions whatsoever. His eyes were dull grey and he didn't even seem to notice me entering the room...

"Hey Hinata-kun! How are you feeling today?"

No response.

"I expected that answer... Anyway Hinata-kun, today I'm gonna take you somewhere. Does that sound fun?"


"I know I've kept you inside in the past month but I think it's about time you catch some fresh air. It's not healthy to sit in front of the window each and every day."

Again no response.

"Alright, let's go!"

I grabbed him under his arms and pulled him up. Surprisingly he cooperated! I grabbed his hand and led him downstairs to the front door. His face didn't change, but for a second I thought I could see a hint of that beautiful olive green colour return in his eyes.

I put on one of my jackets on him and led him through the front door outside. I decided we'd go to the park we always used to go to.

Once we got there I sat us down on our usual bench. Hinata-kun softly leaned on my shoulder and closed his eyes. I blushed a bit and closed my eyes as well.

After a few minutes I spoke up again.

"Hey Hinata-kun, I don't know how I'm gonna do it yet but I'll get you your emotions back, I'll make sure you smile again. I know everything that happened is my fault  and some day I hope I can make it up to you in some way though of course I'll never be able to make things completely right again..."

He didn't respond but just kept leaning on my shoulder. We sat there like that for a while till it started getting dark. I carefully pushed Hinata away from my shoulder and helped him get up.

"Let's go back Hinata-kun." He looked at me and nodded slightly.

I took his hand and we went back home. A bit later we were almost home, just one more street to go. We turned around the corner and I wanted to walk further but Hinata stopped. I stopped as well and turned to see him.

"What's wrong Hinata-kun? We're almost there, just a few more steps to go." I said, trying to get him to continue walking again but he didn't move an inch.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked. Just then I was able to see the expression on his face, he was shocked. He slowly raised his arm and pointed behind me. I quickly turned around and understood why he stopped.

The entire house was surrounded by policemen, some were guarding the entrance of the house and some were inside. I slowly stepped back.

Why are they here? Did they find out I was keeping Hinata prisoner? Oh my god... no... I don't want this! Not yet... I'm not ready to let him go yet! And if they get him, what'll happen to me? They'll most likely put me in prison... No...

Hinata's POV:

I saw all the policemen surrounding the house. I was shocked. Komaeda quickly turned around when he saw me pointing at the house. As soon as he saw the policemen his face dropped and he started to slowly back away. He was terrified. All I could do was watch. What will they do once they see us? Will they free me? After all those weeks I'll finally be free again! If I run over there all of this'll finally be over! But, Komaeda will probably try to stop me, won't he? If that happens I can always scream. Yes, this is my chance! All I have to do is run over there and I'll be free.

I tried to run over to the policemen but looked over my shoulder to see Komaeda one last time. What I saw shocked me. He was sitting there on his knees, trembling and crying. Suddenly I felt bad for him... I know I shouldn't but I did. For as long as I can remember he has been my best friend. And even in the past few weeks when he kept me prisoner in his house he's been taking good care of me. At first not of course, but when I stopped struggling he's been very caring and kind to me. Even if I still don't understand why he did all of this i believe he did it with a good reason...

I turned around and looked at the policemen again. Should I really run over to them? What'll happen to Komaeda if I do? I'll probably never see him again... Aargh what am I thinking! Am I getting attached to him now of all times? Dammit I don't know what to do!

"Hinata-kun, why aren't you running over to them?" I heard Komaeda say quietly behind me.


"Any normal person would grab their chance right now! You can run over to them and you'll be free from me! You'll be saved! Why are you still standing there when you can just go!" Komaeda screamed. He started crying more.

"B-but, why would you encourage me? You don't want me to leave, do you? You're not making any sense right now!" I yelled back.

"I know that, of course I do! But you don't wanna be kept prisoner by me any longer, right? I've realized that what I did was wrong and stupid and that all I really care about is your happiness! I was selfish keeping you to myself like that but now I know that's not what I wanted, what I want is for you to be happy and to achieve that I have to let you go. There's no way you'd be able to be happy with someone as stupid and useless as me especially after everything I did to you so please just go already!" He cried.

I couldn't bare seeing him like that anymore, so I jumped on him and hugged him tightly. I didn't say anything, I didn' even know what I was doing, but what I did know what that it felt nice holding Komaeda like this. I must be crazy for doing this after everything that's happened but I don't care. I care too much about him...

"You're crazy Hinata-kun.." Komaeda whispered. He was still trembling but way less than before.

"I know."

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