Chapter 4

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Hajime's POV:

The next morning I woke up. I headed to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. My hair looked awful. I grabbed my brush and started brushing my hair. While brushing I started thinking about everything that had happened yesterday. I had spent my afternoon with Komaeda and then I fell asleep... After that I was too late at home and mom started yelling at me... Right...

I still didn't get what my mom's problem was, I mean, Komaeda's a nice guy so why is she so scared something bad'll happen?

Suddenly someone knocked really hard on the door. I jumped at the sudden sound and let the brush fall out of my hand.

"Hajime, dear, are you in there?" I heard my mom ask from the other side of the door.

"Yes, I'm in here. What the hell do you want?" I yelled back at her. I really didn't want to talk to her.

"Are you almost done? I'd like to take a shower." She responded.

"Yeah yeah..." I quickly finished styling my ahoge. It wasn't really necessary to do that, but I wanted it to look as good as possible. If I didn't style it, it wasn't sharp enough to my liking. 

I quickly brushed my teeth and walked out of the bathroom, avoiding eye contact with my mom. I walked downstairs to the kitchen and made myself a lot of sandwiches for breakfast. I was still really hungry from the night before. After I was done with that I poured myself a big glass of orange juice and sat down at the table in the kitchen. I grabbed my phone and checked my chats while eating breakfast. Some classmates were randomly chatting about some bullshit. I just read all their messages.

A few minutes later I was done with my breakfast and I went to school.

A little while later I arrived at school. I wasn't entirely sure what to do. Should I just go to the classroom, probably run into Komaeda and just ignore everything my mom said? Or should I listen to what my mom had said and try to avoid him as much as possible?

I really didn't want to go with the last option, but if something happened again I'd have a chance of my mother getting mad at me again and doing things I really didn't want to happen.

I thought for a bit and decided that I wouldn't necessarily avoid him, but just only talk to him when needed. I hope it works though... Komaeda could notice and start questioning me...

I shook my head. No, I was overthinking things. If I just started talking less to him, no one would notice something's up. It's normal to just don't feel like talking to people or grow tired of them... right? Except... that wasn't the case at all... Well whatever, if I don't head to class now, I might even be late.

I headed to the classroom and saw that everyone was already going inside. When I entered the classroom there was only one place left next to Souda, so I sat down next to him.

"Hey Souda." I said, slowly getting all my stuff out of my bag and placing them on my desk.

"Mornin' Hinata." He greeted back.

The teacher started talking and our first period began.


Komaeda's POV:

Right now I'm in fifth period and today, Hinata-kun hasn't said a word to me.

This might not be a thing to freak out about, but I still did. Did I do something wrong? Is it because we stayed too long at the park yesterday and now he's pissed at me?

I mean, I guess that's a good enough reason to not want to talk to someone, but yesterday Hinata-kun said it was okay and stuff...

I tried approaching him a few times earlier today, but every time I did he would turn around and walk away. It hurt to see him do that... But I guess I'll wait a bit longer to see what's going on. I'm sure he has a good reason for doing it, right? If I start making a fuss about it now, he might get angry at me.

I looked at the other side of the classroom. I saw him sitting next to Nanami. He said something to her and they started laughing. It pissed me off. I felt something acing in my chest. My eyes narrowed as I just glared at them. Normally I wasn't like this, they were both my friends and if they're happy then it's good. But just the fact that Hinata-kun does talk to Nanami and not to me pisses me off.

Suddenly a hand waved in front of my eyes. I blinked a few times.

"Hey, Komaeda? You alright?" I heard from beside me. I looked at where the voice was coming from and saw that it was Kuzuryuu.

"Ah yes, I was just... thinking." I said. He looked at me with a questioning look.

"Your face looked pretty creepy just now, you just kept glaring at the other side of the classroom. Are you sure you're alright?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yes, I'm fine." I sighed. I looked at the clock that hung just above the door. Five minutes left, then this period is over. I put my books back in my bag and just lay my head down on my table.

A few minutes later the bell rang and I got up from my chair, ready to head to the next hour. I saw Hinata-kun leaving with Nanami. I shook my head and started walking to our next class, PE.

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