Chapter 8

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Komaeda's POV:

I woke up to the sound of the nurse calling for me. I opened my eyes only to be blinded by the intense hospital lights.

"Good morning Komaeda!" The nurse greeted.

"Good morning.." I groanded.

"I got you your breakfast, two slices of bread, cheese, an egg, an apple and a glass of milk. If there's anything you dislike just tell me, 'kay?" I nodded. She placed the tray with food on the small table next to my hospital bed and left again. I wasn't really hungry but still decided to at least eat something. I started with eating the apple.

... What time is it by the way? I looked around for a clock and found one on the wall.

Let's see... Oh, it's already 11 am? I didn't notice I had slept in that much... Hinata had said he'd come visit me again today, right? So... If he came right out of school he'd be here around 3 pm. That's still 4 hours away from now.. What am I gonna do in the mean time? Maybe I can ask if they have any books or something...

Hinata's POV:

The school bell rang and I immediately rushed out of the school building, on my way to the hospital. I don't know why I was in such a hurry, it's not like it matters when I visit him, but I just wanted to see him as soon as possible.

A little while later I arrived at the hospital. I went to room 217 and peeked through the door, just to be sure that I made it to the right room. I saw him sitting on his bed, reading a book. I opened the door and entered the room.

"Hi Komaeda!" I exclaimed.

Apparently he didn't notice me entering the room, because when I said that he jumped and dropped his book. He looked at me with a flustered face.

"H-H-Hinata-kun! Don't scare me like that!" He yelled.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I said. I walked over to his bed and sat down on the same chair again. Komaeda still looked shocked.

"Did I scare you that much?" I asked.

"No... It's just that I can't believe you actually came to visit me again..." He said. I was kind of confused by that comment.

"Of course I'm visiting you again! I said so yesterday, remember?"

"I know, I know." He mumbled. "I just thought you'd forget or something."

"How could I forget ever about you? You're my best friend!" I exclaimed. He started blushing, which made me feel kind of awkward. So I decided to change the subject.

"So, anyway, how are you feeling today?" I asked.

"Pretty good. My head aches every now and then, but that's it." He explained. I nodded.

Then, the nurse came in.

"Hey, Hinata! You came to visit again?" She asked. I nodded.


"Well then, I have some good news. Everything seems to be okay Komaeda. So you can leave the hospital this afternoon. Of course, if you want to, you can also stay one more night, just to be sure." She explained.

"That's nice. If it's okay I think I'd like to leave the hospital today." He said.

"Okay! I'll be back in just a bit, then you can get your stuff and leave the hospital." She stormed out of the room to who knows where and we were left alone in the room. We remained silent for a while, I was just thinking about this whole situation.

"Hey, are you okay Hinata-kun?" Komaeda asked. "You look troubled."

"Oh no, it's nothing. I'm just not sure if it's really a good idea for you to go home yet, since you had a concussion and everything." I said.

"It'll be alright, I feel fine so I'll be okay."

"But what if something happens? You live alone, so there won't be anyone to help you!" I exclaimed.


"... Would it be okay if I came over? I just wouldn't feel right leaving you alone after just getting out of the hospital." I said and for some reason, I was slightly blushing as I said that. Komaeda's head shot up.

"I-I-I-I-" He stuttered, his face entirely red. I let out an awkward laugh.

"Hah... I guess no-"

"No no no! It's okay really! I'd... be happy if you came over..." He said, not facing me.

"O-okay, then we'll go to your house together!" I smiled.

"B-but is it okay? Because earlier I couldn't come over at your place." He asked.

"Yes, it's fine now. I'll explain everything to you tonight, 'kay?" He nodded.

A few minutes later the nurse returned. She said everything was fine and that Komaeda could leave. I helped him get his stuff together and together we left the hospital. I texted my mom that I was gonna stay at Komaeda's for a while, to look after him.

After some walking we finally arrived at Komaeda's house. He unlocked the door and let me inside. When I entered the kitchen and living room I was kind of shocked. It was a complete mess! It looked like it hadn't been cleaned in ages! Though last time I was here it was completely fine.

"Komaeda? What happened here?!" I asked.

"Hmm? I guess I haven't been in the living room for a while... but it's no big deal, I'll clean it later." He said. He walked over to the fridge and opened it.

"Hinata-kun is there anything you want for dinner? I don't have that much food left, so I'll go to the supermarket anyway."

"Hmm... Maybe pizza or something?" I offered. He nodded.

"Then I'll be back in a bit. Feel free to do whatever you want." He said as he left the house.

"Hmmmm... What should I do... Oh, I know! I'm gonna surprise Komaeda by cleaning this mess!" I exclaimed, proud of my plan. I found some cleaning equipment and got to work.


AN: Omg 300 reads thank you guys so much!! I never expected to get this many reads, I'm so happy! XD
I hope you liked this chapter and till the next chap!

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