Chapter Twenty Eight

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I am pretty confident, from what I have gathered, I could write a random fictional piece with Luke as the main character and people would read. Why is everybody so team Luke? not that I don't like him.


Every time Jenna found herself waking up, stretching her limbs, and pulling herself out of Isaac's bed a pang of guilt would briefly streak through her. The guilt would quickly tell her that she had moved to Tulsa to somehow help Zac and Brielle, not take her friend's husband. If Jenna had known Isaac was going to divorce Nikki, it probably wouldn't have changed her mind in the slightest. Had she not moved to Tulsa, Isaac insisted that his situation would still be the same, although some minor details different. Hearing this had made Jenna feel a little more relaxed about the previous four nights she had managed to spend having adult sleepovers in Luke's spare room.

Details as to how this had all started were still in question from sources who were not Jenna or Isaac. All that mattered to the outside is that she had been spending the nights with him; nobody had to know every little detail. Jenna on the other hand quite enjoyed rolling it all around in her mind, time and time again. She smiled lazily at the thought. Driving Isaac home like Brielle had drunkenly insisted, they had sat in Jenna's car talking for almost two hours. The topics varied, as they always did with Jenna and Isaac; discussing everything from the latest news to what colour looked best on what car. As Isaac reached for the door handle of the Lexus, Jenna pulled a page from Brielle's book so to speak.

The memory of Brielle telling her how she had managed to sleep with Caleb had sparked in Jenna's mind when Isaac told her that Luke had been planning to go visit his family, particularly his older brother some time in the next month. Just as Isaac was about to open the door, he turned to say good bye when Jenna grabbed a handful of his shirt and kissed him. Part of her had always wondered what it would be like, there had been the chance and she took it.

Nobody had to know they had practically broke their necks trying to clamber into the back seat like two horny teenagers. Nobody had to know that the first time they'd actually got together was in the back seat of Jenna's car - a car Luke had bought for her. It seemed they were all about defacing property owned or purchased by Luke; not intentionally. Jenna had pointed out that they didn't always have to stay at Luke's, Isaac just wasn't comfortable with doing such a thing in the basement of his little brother's house. A perfectly understandable feeling.

Currently Jenna stood in front of Luke's stove, carefully turning a pan as the inside coated perfectly with pancake batter. From the table Isaac took turns reading the paper in front of him and fondly watching Jenna skillfully work her way around preparing breakfast. A few minutes earlier she had dismissed him from his fruit and yogurt duties, telling him that his service had been appreciated with a quick kiss and a wide smile. It was her way of telling him to get the hell out of her work space. Expertly flipping the perfect looking pancake, Jenna grabbed the plate next to her piling a few piece of crisp bacon onto the plate and waiting for the right moment to slide the pancake on as well.

"Morning." Luke grumbled, ambling into the kitchen. Scratching his dishevelled hair he took note of Jenna and Isaac both looking at him.

"Rough night?" Isaac chuckled. Luke shrugged. "We have coffee." he announced knowing it would perk Luke up a little bit. Sitting his paper down as Jenna placed a plate of food before him, Isaac glanced over the top of his glasses thanking her.

"Lucas, would you like some breakfast?" Jenna asked motioning toward the counter where she had everything laid out.

"I don't want to impose." Luke glanced between Jenna and Isaac waiting to see what they, mainly Isaac, would say. Jenna would invite Satan in to eat, if she had made enough food.

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