Chapter Fourteen

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dental surgery tomorrow, early, so I am leaving you folks with this today.


Ending the call to his wife's phone, Zac made a grunting noise, flipping the device around in his hand. He had been trying to get in touch with Brielle for the last hour or two, she never avoided his phone calls. He wasn't mad that she hadn't answered, only a bit worried as it was out of character for her.

"This isn't her." He commented running a hand through his hair. "Jenna said Brielle was home when she and Luke left."

"Jenna was with Luke?" Isaac perked up at that mention.

"He had her car, she was taking him home to get it back." Zac replied keeping the conversation about something other than his wife's whereabouts short. "Tay and Nat haven't talked to her. I hate not knowing where she is."

Zac had got in touch with every member of his family, nobody had seen his wife within the last hour.

"Knowing Brielle, she is probably in bed or something." Nikki suggested with a soft manner.

"You would have seen her." Zac pointed at Isaac.

Isaac had gone over, as promised, to pick up some spare clothes and what not for Zac and the kids to stay with him and Nikki for the night. He had been in Zac's house long enough to grab a few things from the laundry room and left.

Shaking his head, Isaac shrugged. "I went into the laundry room and left. Hell, you could have had a house full of European strippers and I wouldn't have seen them. I went in the side door."

With the way the house was designed, Isaac was able to slip in the door by the laundry room and back out. It was the door closest to the garage and unless you went further into the house you wouldn't get more than a glimpse of the basement stairs and the office. If somebody was elsewhere in the house, you'd never know.

"Not that I'd want to look at European strippers or any strippers." Isaac counted smiling sweetly at his wife.

Nikki rolled her eyes. "Maybe she's in bed. Brielle usually turns her phone off when she goes to bed."

Zac nodded, it was possible. However, his wife rarely shut her phone off when he wasn't home. If Zac was gone for even a night, Brielle would leave her phone on. It still didn't account for the main line to the house. Brielle wasn't in bed, but for whatever reason she was avoiding him. Not knowing exactly what was going on, Zac would have to tell Junia she wasn't getting to say goodnight to her step-mother this time.

Brielle glanced around the house, everything in it was neatly organized, it was a large house seemingly larger knowing that currently it only housed two people on a regular basis. At one point the house would have been the perfect size, slightly smaller than her own home, Brielle admired the casual and cozy feel it gave off even if the woman living in it was less than warm.

"Brielle, why are you here?" Kate asked taking a seat at the kitchen table and motioning for Brielle to do the same.

When Brielle had called Kate, asking to talk the idea had seemed like a great one - as most ideas do when you first have them. Now placed opposite of the other woman at the small table, Brielle ran her hands over her jeans, trying to think of something to tell her husband's ex wife. Kate sat quietly at the end of the table, her presence was large and Brielle chalked that up to being a home field advantage. She looked well put together and classy, Brielle would give her that.

"You and I really need to take some time and discuss a few things." Brielle finally admitted.

"Whatever Zac had put you up to, you can forget about it." Kate interrupted with a slight scoff. The nerve of him, sending his wife to do his dirty work.

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