Chapter 1

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Port Angels

"So, if you're a fan of strange, dark, and mysterious delivered in story format, you've come to the right place because that's all we do, and we upload once a week."

I plugged in both earphones and leveled my phone to my eyes, watching Mr. Ballen's content intently as I waited patiently in line at an ATM.

Since Dad already transferred funds to me to buy new furniture for our house, I am on my way to go furniture shopping. But I needed pocket cash just in case.

The line that had fifteen people before me started becoming short, and before I knew it, I was next in line.

As I was getting intrigued when the woman on Mr. Ballen's video was about to crawl out of the garage steel doors with her hands tied to escape her kidnapper, I felt a droplet of rain land on my shoulder.

I looked up at the dark cloudy sky of August. It was still three in the afternoon, and the reason why it was getting dark was because of the cumulonimbus clouds forming. It looks like Port Angeles is about to have a thunderstorm.


And yes, I live an hour away from Forks. You know, the one where Bella Swan and her friends would go out to eat or go shopping? Yeah, that city. I lived in Port Angeles, the city of Angels. Thinking about Twilight all-of-a-sudden makes me want to watch it from scratch again.

When the person in front of me walked away from the machine, I quickly stepped onto the platform and withdrew enough money in case of other emergencies. I didn't want the other people behind me to get caught in the rain. Besides, I could feel them making faces at me behind my back in an attempt to make me withdraw faster.

Once I got the money, I stepped out of the platform and walked briskly towards Adrian's car.

The droplets suddenly became light rain and I sighed in relief when there were only two people left in line. I opened my car door and immediately rushed in before I get soaked from standing there.

I twisted the keys in the ignition and turned on the car. I connected the Bluetooth to my phone and let the video keep playing as I exited the parking lot.

I didn't need to watch the whole thing because Mr. Ballen's content is him telling gruesome stories of how people died because they were too careless, and would insert horrifying pictures from time to time. I could watch an entire video while I'm eating and can fall asleep soundly with it playing.

Yeah, I could just station my phone and watch Spongebob, but I like listening to Mr. Ballen. I can learn something every day from him regarding my safety.

Especially since I'll end up living alone in the house for the next seven months.

I couldn't imagine living all alone in the house once Adrian will move out for college. My parents are in New York, and then Adrian will leave next. Seattle is an hour or two away, I guess. But it was time to try and live independently. Even if it saddened me down to the core.

Besides, if I spot a cockroach in the house, I could just run three houses down to my cousin's house and let her take care of everything.

Ah, adulting.

I had an itsy bitsy problem here, though.

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