Chapter 5

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Believe me, I was trying very hard to compose myself and try not to let him know how much of a wimp I was. Hell, I may have a sassy mouth and Gwen can have my back and punch you in the face, but when it comes to superstitious beings, count me the hell out.

When it was just me, him and Bella inside the house, all of my scaredy-ass-shit left my body for a while when a huge realization hit me.

I can't believe I let my guard down just because the back door shut by itself. Now it was too late to kick his ass out the door. I can't just tell him "Oh, what do you know? I think I'm perfectly capable of frying eggs for the entire school year to survive. I also found the scientific explanation as to why the back door slammed shut without no wind. Thanks for your service." I wasn't that rude to people.

I closed the door behind me and my eyes landed on Tyler who was looking around the house. Bella was already running around. She smelled very sweet and fresh. As long as she doesn't poop or pee in my house, I wouldn't really mind the fluffy giant running around.

"Okay let's set some rules," I said and walked up to him but maintained a good distance.

"I don't know how to cook, which is why you're here obviously. So that leads us to Number 1: You have to cook me three meals a day." Tyler was about to laugh when I gave him my death glare.

"Number 2. You can pick whatever room you want just not the master's bedroom. Or my room. They're my parent's room. But for now, since the furniture delivery arrives this Thursday, you can sleep in Adrian's room."

"Number 3. You are not allowed to touch me. Just think of me having a disease or something that we need to stay away from each other. Like three feet away. You're just here to cook for me, that's all," I finished.

He smirked and crossed his arms.

"Are you sure that's all?" he asked, leaning closer. I stepped back and held my hands in front of me to push him away.

I think I have allergies when it comes to guys. Or Tyler just had the cooties.

I tried to think of the other rules that I missed but I feel like I've told him everything. I shrugged and he smiled.

"Okay, am I allowed to go home now since I'm only here to cook for you?" he said and my face completely broke off.

"What? Wait, n-no!" I waved my hands in the air like a madman, trying to correct my rules.

His smirk broke into a grin and I knew he wanted that kind of reaction.

"You know? I can just come here early in the morning to cook you breakfast. Since we eat lunch in school, I don't have to. And I'll come here by dinner to cook. Or I could just bring you dinner if I have to, then go home," he suggested, rubbing a hand on his chin as if trying to think.

I didn't know what to say. My head turned to the direction of the clock to see what time it is, and all my fear started to crawl up my body once again.

This house was newly brought. And I watched enough documentaries and horror films to know that demons like to make fun of the humans that just moved in. I could die in here. Either from a heart attack because I shit my pants whenever I hear something not normal, or from a heart attack for overthinking everything.

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