Hidan <3

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Name: Kumori

Age: 232 looks 17

Personality: cold, hates being annoyed, sarcastic, swears a lot, kind of cruel, craves pain Family: none

Friends: not many

Past: she was made a vampire when she was seventeen, ever since she has been very with drawn but she likes watching others suffer, she obtains super strength, speed, stamina, flexibility and senses because of her so called curse but there are some good things in it, she's inhumanly beautiful but her skin glitters like diamonds in the sunlight so naturally she doesn't go in the sun much.

How you met-

You had recently been made a member of the Akatsuki, so now you were sitting in the lounge room with the other members and watching a scary movie, it had heaps of blood in it and you were craving and hungry when all of a sudden a gust of wind blew through the window and you caught a sent that was pretty my irresistible, you sniff again and notice it was the silver haired man named Hidan, eventually you get up to go hunting while leaving the others to watch their movie.

‘Why of all people do I have to be on the same team as my dinner!?’ I thought annoyed.

You eventually find a young guy about your age which you corner.

“Hey baby wanna have some fun?” He asked

“Ok.” I smirked.

You jump him so that you had your foot on his throat as he was on the ground and smirking evilly.

“Can't...breathe!” He choked out.

“That's the idea, I'm having fun.” I grinned evilly.

Your fangs extend and you grin down at the desperate guy you were sitting on.

“Don't worry, it'll only hurt a lot.” I stated.

You bite his neck and drain his blood before walking back to the base and wiping your blood stained mouth.

*The next day*

Pain had announced that today you were all going to the beach so now you were freaking out, it was bright and sunny outside and you cursed the crappy weather conditions before walking outside in your clothes then getting to the beach, you had an umbrella over you the whole time so your skin wouldn't sparkle before sticking it in the sand and watching the others swim but soon Tobi grabbed your umbrella and your skin started to glitter which made Tobi drop the umbrella while seemingly drooling at the sight of you so you pick him up while spinning him around a bit then throwing him into the lake while ignoring the stares you were getting from the other members from your skin.

“KUMORI-SENPAI IS A WALKING DIAMOND!!!” Tobi exclaimed childishly.

You punch him in the face while glaring at the ground as you sat on the sand and watched the others do their thing who would stop to look at you occasionally and your beautiful skin until later Hidan comes over and sits with you.

“So what the fucks up with your skin?” He asked.

“It's glittering.” I replied sarcastically.

“It's fucking hot!” He grinned.

“Thanks.” I replied with a short laugh.

“So, why the hell does your skin do that anyway?” He asked curiously.

“Because.” I shrugged.

“Because why?” He pressed.

“I'm a vampire.” I stated.

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