Shikamaru Nara <3

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Name: Satetsu
Friends: Ino, Choji, Kiba, Naruto
Family: dead
Past: her father left when she was 3 and her mom commit suicide when she was 6 so she lived on her on at the Sand village soon after.

How you met-
I was walking through the streets of Suna coming from the hospital, I had given Gaara-sama some flowers and wished him good health and a quick recovery as he had just been brought back from fighting Deidara of the Akatsuki, as I walked home I bumped into someone and fell back.
“Ow…” I groaned.
“Sorry about that.” A voice said as they held their hand out.
“Don’t worry about it, I’m always running into something.” I said lazily as I took the persons hand and let them help me up.
“Thanks, sorry about running into you, I was distracted by the clouds.” I said.
“You like cloud watching?” He asked as I looked up at him.
“Yeah, it’s something I like doing on my day off.” I said.
He nodded slightly and let my hand go.
“Oh, sorry, I’m Satetsu.” I said politely.
“Shikamaru Nara.” He said as he shook my hand.
“So, you like cloud watching? Have you ever played Shogi?” Shikamaru asked curiously.
“No, my mom used to play but she never taught me.” I said.
“Used to?” Shikamaru asked.
“She died.” I said quietly.
“Oh…sorry.” Shikamaru said awkwardly.
“Don’t worry about it. So what’re you doing in Sunagakure, if you don’t mind me asking?” I said.
“Oh, I’m visiting my girlfriend, Temari.” He said.
“You’re Temari’s boyfriend?” I asked.
He nodded and I nodded as well taking it in.
“Well I’ve gotta run, bye Shikamaru.” I said.
“Hey, if you ever want to learn to play Shogi, and I happen to be around, just ask.” Shikamaru called.
“Alright, thanks!” I smiled back.
How he told you-
It had been a few weeks since then and every time Shikamaru came to visit Temari he would always come and watch the clouds with me or something, then I heard the terrible news, Temari was pregnant.
“Hey Satetsu.” I heard from behind me.
I turned and saw Shikamaru.
“Did you hear the news?” He asked.
I nodded then returned my gaze to the sky.
“You’re probably the first person not to squeal with happiness.” He said almost hurt.
“That’s because I don’t believe her.” I said.
“What do you mean?” He asked.
“She doesn’t have any of the signs Shikamaru, she doesn’t throw up at all, she isn’t gaining any weight, she doesn’t have food cravings or mood swings.” I said.
“Maybe she’s just lucky.” Shikamaru shrugged.
“Or maybe she’s lying.” I said as I got up and walked away.
That night it rained for once in Suna, it was weird because it never rained in the dry season, it was a one in a gazillion chance.
‘Strange…’ I thought distantly.
As I looked up at the sky there was a sudden knock on my door so I got up and answered it to reveal a very wet Shikamaru who was also very puffed out.
“You were right…” He panted.
“Um…I was?” I asked confused.
“There was no baby, Temari made it up so that I wouldn’t leave her.” He said.
“What? Why?” I asked.
“Because, she knew that I loved you.” Shikamaru panted as he swayed then fell forward but I caught him.
“Hey! Shikamaru?!” I gasped.
I tilted his head up and felt his forehead, he was burning up, he must of gotten hypothermia from being in the rain.
How it happened-
I was wiping Shikamaru’s forehead with a cloth and soon saw him open his eyes.
“Hey Shikamaru, are you feeling better?” I asked.
“Yeah, did you look after me?” He asked as he looked around my house.
“Of course, you got hypothermia from running around in the rain.” I scolded as I chucked the wash cloth I was using to wipe sweat off his forehead on my bedside table.
“Hey… Satetsu, you know I mean what I said before I blacked out.” Shikamaru said as I looked back at him.
I blushed and looked away.
“Why would you like someone like me? I mean, I’m not beautiful or anything, I’m just average.” I said sadly.
Shikamaru smirked then put his hand on mine.
“Did I ever tell you about my goal in life?” Shikamaru asked.
I shook my head and looked at him.
“I wanted a girl that wasn’t too pretty or too ugly, get married, have two kids, one girl and one boy, retire when my daughter got married and my son became a successful ninja then spend the rest of my retirement playing Shogi then die before my wife.” Shikamaru said as he smirked at my blushing face.
He smirked then leaned up and pressed his lips on mine.
“The problem is, you haven’t said you like me back yet.” He said raising an eyebrow at me expectantly.
“Nah…I think you might just be a good lay.” I said sarcastically.
Shikamaru chuckled then pulled me onto his lap.
“I love you too.” I whispered in his ear.
How you found out-
After Shikamaru and I spent the night together Temari found out and got so angry she managed to convince Gaara to kick me out of the village saying that I had stole her boyfriend from her, although Gaara was reluctant he complied but actually managed to get me out of the village and through the desert safely and quickly with his sand which I was grateful for.
When I got to Konoha I moved in with Shikamaru and he proposed not long after, I said yes of course, it wasn’t long though before I started to get sick.
“Are you ok?” Shikamaru asked me one day as I laid in bed after throwing up.
“Mmhmm, I’m ok.” I nodded as he felt my forehead.
“Well you don’t have a fever, so did you eat something off by any chance?” He asked.
“Maybe, I dunno.” I said.
“Hmm, I’ll call Sakura and see if she can come give you a check up.” He said.
“Fine.” I sighed knowing that he wouldn’t drop it until he knew what was wrong with me.
Sakura came that afternoon and since I was still in bed due to Shikamaru worrying his ass off she did my check up in the bedroom.
“Alright, this shouldn’t take long.” Sakura smiled.
She did her check up and when she was finished she frowned in concentration.
“What? Is something wrong?! Does she have an unknown disease or something that doesn’t have a cure and is really deadly!?” Shikamaru asked really quickly.
“Uh…No…She’s just pregnant.” Sakura said as she smiled at me.
Shikamaru blinked then slowly grinned, I jumped up and hugged Shikamaru with a huge smile plastered on my face.
“Enjoy, and come see me or lady Tsunade in a few weeks for a check up!” Sakura called as she showed herself out.
The Pregnancy/delivery-
When the sand siblings were here for a meeting between the villagers, Temari found Shikamaru and tried to flirt with him, when she found out we were engaged and I was pregnant she nearly killed me but Shikamaru made sure she didn’t hurt the baby and got a restraining order against her.
“Man, you’re probably the best looking pregnant woman I’ve ever seen.” Shikamaru grinned as he rubbed my tummy.
“How come?” I asked.
“I’ve seen most pregnant woman and they look like whales compared to you.” He said.
I laughed slightly then felt a sharp pain in my stomach.
“Hey, are you ok?” Shikamaru asked.
I groaned slightly which made Shikamaru sit up and look at me then down at my lower half.
“Oh, shit, your water just broke.” Shikamaru said as he picked me up bridal style and ran all the way to the hospital.
It took a long time to get the contractions over with and then the pushing, we didn’t really have any problems except that Shikamaru got his hand broken, the awesome thing was that we had a little girl whom we named Shamari, five years later we had a little boy named Shikamatsu, Shamari never became a ninja but Shikamatsu did, when Shamari got married Shikamaru and I retired from being ninja.

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