Zaku Abumi <3

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Name: Chikara Uchiha.

Family: Sasuke, Aiko and Itachi

Friends: Zaku, Kin, Tayuya


How you met-

I walked down a street and saw some men chasing a boy so I hid myself not wanting them to notice me, they ran past then I followed them to the alley where they started to beat him up so I got an idea.

“Hey!” I shouted which stopped the men.

“What do you want?” One asked.

“That’s my servant you’re beating up, my daddy paid 2 yen for him and bought him for me so I wouldn’t have to do my chores.” I said in a girly girl voice.

“We caught him stealing!” The other said.

“What?! You little tramp!” I yelled while storming over and grabbing the boy by his shirt then picking him up of the ground.

“I told you not to eat! That was you punishment for missing a speck of dust on my bedside table!” I yelled.

‘Man this is really creepy.’ I thought.

She gave an evil smirk before dropping the boy.

“Can I buy that bread off you?” She asked the men.

“What for?” One asked.

“I’m going to eat it in front of him; it’s his punishment for disobeying me! And then he’ll get a few hundred lashings from my daddy.” I said to the men in that sickening girly voice.

“Heh, you can have it for free.” The man said while chucking the small loaf to me.

‘Idiots.’ I thought as I grabbed the boy and dragged him away, once we got to a secluded area I stopped, looked around then turned to the boy.

“Are you ok?” I asked which made him blink before nodding slowly.

“Oh good, I was afraid I hurt you when I picked you up.” I said while rubbing my neck nervously.

“So…you’re not some whacked up psycho lady?” He asked which made me laugh.

“Sorry about that, it was the only way to get you away from there.” I said

I handed him the bread then watched him eat it until Orochimaru came up to us.

“So this is where you are Chika-chan, feeding orphans.” He taunted.

“Go suck a lemon.” I snapped rudely.

Orochimaru chuckled at my lack of respect then noticed the boy.

“So who’s your friend?” Orochimaru asked.


“Zaku.” The boy answered.

How he told you-

Zaku joined Orochimaru and pretty soon he and I became good friends, probably more as he was kinda cute.

‘Man where the hell is he?’ I thought annoyed as I walked through the base to search for Zaku.

As I walked into the training area I saw Zaku backed up against the wall with Kin really close to him.

‘What the heck is going on over here?’ I thought as I raised my eyebrow at the pair.

Zaku saw me and looked surprised so Kin turned and looked at me.

“Yo.” I said lazily as I waved.

‘Help!’ Zaku mouthed.

“What do you want Uchiha?” Kin snapped.

“I want to know why you’re so close to my man.” I snapped back.

“Your man?” Kin asked horrified.

“Hell yeah.” He said.

He walked over, grabbed my hand and pulled me away.

“I owe you one.” He murmured as we walked down the halls.

“You know I wasn’t kidding when I said you were mine.” I said as we walked.

“You weren’t?” He asked.

“Nope. Something you should know about Uchiha’s are that they’re very possessive.” I smirked as I kissed his cheek then walked away leaving him speechless.

How it happened-

I had just gotten back from training and out of the shower, seeing as I thought my door was locked I walked out while towel drying my hair letting the rest of my body stay nude and went to get some clothes oblivious to the fact that Zaku had come into my room to visit.

“Is today my birthday?” I heard.

I stopped towel drying my hair and moved it out of my face to see Zaku with an anime nosebleed.

“I didn’t lock the door did I?”

Zaku shook his head while staring at my chest.

“And you’re really horny now right?”

He nodded again while getting a perverted smirk on his face.

How you found out-

Turns out sex is really fun! But it has it’s downsides, for example, it really hurts the first time and it really wears you out but other then that it’s awesome XD.

“So what’s up with you Chika-chan?” Kabuto asked as I sat on one of the doctors beds just swinging my legs.

“I’m throwing up a lot and I need a pill or something cause it’s making my breath smell like puke.” I said.

“I see, anything else?” He asked.

“Oh yeah, I think something’s up with my stomach, I’m getting these weird food cravings.” I said.

“Mmhmm, and are you late by any chance?” Kabuto asked.

“With what?” I asked.

“With the thing that happens with girls every month?” Kabuto asked.

I caught on and turned red.

“Only by a few days…” I blushed.

“Ok, I’m just going to check something.” Kabuto said as he made hand signs.

He put his hands on my stomach and nodded.

“Thought so, you’re pregnant.

Telling him (And your brother)-

Telling Zaku was the easy thing, seriously, he was nervous but knew I wanted to restore my clan, but then came the hard part.

Telling Sasuke.

“He’s going to kill us.” Zaku said uneasily.

“Nope, he’s going to kill you and let me have the baby then kill me.” I said.

I knocked on Sasuke’s door and soon he answered looking angry but then he saw me and his face softened.

“Oh, Chika-chan, I wasn’t expecting you.” He said.

He let me and Zaku walk into his room.

“Ok, let’s just blurt this out and run, ok Zaku?” I said.

“Blurt what out?” Sasuke asked while glaring at Zaku.

“I’m pregnant.” I said.

Sasuke blinked and then slowly activated his Sharingan.

“Oh shit!” Zaku shouted as Sasuke chased him down the hall.

“I’m gonna kill you! You knocked up my sister you asshole!” Sasuke shouted as he started slashing at Zaku with his Kusunagi blade.


I managed to save Zaku from dying and later we went back to Konoha, we moved in next door to my sister Aiko and her new husband Sai, she was pregnant too, the delivery was excruciating and I threatened that I was going to tie a knot in Zaku’s thing to stop him from getting me pregnant again but the kids kept rolling, but we only had three, not like my brother who had 6 and my sister who had 8 O_O…

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