Gaara of the Desert <3

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Name: Kyoki Kaguya

Family: Kimimaro

Friends: Tayuya, Sakon and Ukon


How you met-

I chakra jumped through the trees to find my brother, the idiot went off to get Orochimaru’s new body so I went to find them, even if I was on my last legs just like Kimimaro, I stopped in a tree to cough while holding my stomach.

‘Blood…’ I thought as I looked at the hand I had covered my mouth with.

I shook my head then continued to where Kimimaro was, I got there and soon saw him fighting a boy with red hair and another guy with a green jumpsuit on.

‘Gotta help him!’ I thought as I made a bone extend from out of my palm, I then jumped down and started attacking the guy in the jumpsuit.

“Kyoki?” Kimimaro asked as I jumped back and landed next to him.

I panted slightly as I stood up straight.

“You’re not supposed to be here, you know that you’re sick.” Kimimaro scolded.

“Neither are you.” I snapped.

It wasn’t long after I arrived Kimimaro attacked but then stopped moving, I knew he was dead and I definitely wasn’t far off.

‘Damn it…’ I thought as I felt to my knees and started to cough uncontrollably.

I ignored the two boys as they came over to me, not really caring that I might die, it’d be a relief if anything.

“Go…ahead.” I growled as I stopped coughing.

I took a deep breath and let it out painfully.

“I’m gonna die anyway, make my day.” I snapped as I blacked out and fell onto the grass.

How he told you-

Turns out the two boys from before who I learned were Gaara and Lee, didn’t want me to die as they took me to Konoha where their Hokage healed me.

“Kyo-chan!” I heard from behind me.

I turned and saw Temari waving at me, I waited for her to catch up then began walking with her through Suna, that had become my home after I recovered.

“So, how do you feel?” Temari asked.

“About what?” I asked.

“Matsuri and Gaara are dating.” Temari smiled.

“Cool.” I replied, not really caring.

“What do you mean cool? Aren’t you jealous?” She asked.

“I may like him Temari but if Gaara doesn’t like me then I’ll get over it.” I said not really giving a shit.

Temari stopped walking then watched as I walked away.

That night I was sitting on the roof of my house when Gaara sat next to me.

“Hello Kyoki.” He said.

“Hi.” I answered.

There was a long silence until Gaara broke it.

“I’m not dating Matsuri.” He said.

“Oh, so you’re dating Sari?” I asked.

“No, that was a plan Temari made to try to get you jealous.” He said.

“Why would you want to make me jealous?” I asked.

“It’s a reverse psychology apparently. Because Temari thought that walking up to a person and just telling them you like them isn’t very romantic.” He replied.

I smiled before leaning over to Gaara then pressing my lips on his cheek.

“I like you too, but just for the future, never ask your sister for advice.” I said.

How it happened-

It had been 3 years since Gaara and I confessed our feelings for each other, and now he was the Kazekage which I was proud of him for, on the night of his ceremony he proposed and of course I said yes, but then a few months later he was kidnapped by the Akatsuki so I went to find him.

“Hey you.” I growled as I stood next to Kankuro.

The two members that took my fiancé turned and faced us.

“Well, well, un. We got ourselves a cutie, eh Danna? Hmm.” The blonde asked.

Kankuro glared at the two and so did I.

“If you don’t give my fiancé back I will personally bury you.” I growled.

The blonde sighed exasperatedly.

“The good ones are always engaged, married, bitches or lesbians, hmm.” He said.

After some fighting Kankuro was injured so I was forced to retreat, but when Naruto, Sakura and Kakashi came to go after them I demanded to go since he was my fiancé and all, when we found him I helped to revive him then we went back to Suna.

“You really scared me.” I said that night as I hugged him tightly.

“I’m sorry.” he murmured into my hair.

“I nearly lost you…” I murmured as I looked at him.

“I nearly lost you too.” He said as he pressed his lips on mine.

I snuggled into his chest but then he said something I didn’t expect.

“Kyoki, I want kids.” He said which made me sit up and look down at him.

“You sure?” I asked.

He nodded so I agreed and we began the baby making process XD.

How you found out-

It was a week after Gaara and I finally got married, I got sick one day so Gaara made me go to the doctors with him.

“Ok, Kazekage-sama, it turns out your wife is pregnant.” The doctor grinned.

I slowly let a smile creep up on my face and hugged Gaara who was smiling wider then me.

“The check up is in 3 weeks and we’ll do the ultrasound then as well.


I looked around the nursery for the baby and twitched, Temari had gone a little overboard with the decorations as she bought about a million teddy bears, as I stood there looking at the toys I felt a warm liquid run down my leg, I tried to look past my stomach but it was too big.

‘Damn belly.’ I cursed in my head.

“Hey Kyo-chan.” Kankuro said as he walked up to me but then noticed the liquid.

“Oh my god your water just broke!” He said while looking down at the liquid.

“Really?” I asked.

“Yeah, TEMARI!!! IT’S TIME!!!” Kankuro shouted.

There was a crash in the kitchen and soon Temari came out and started to panic.

“OMG BABY COMING!!! NOBODY PANIC!!!” She shouted as she ran around, finally she ran into a wall and knocked herself out. Literally.

Kankuro sighed before picking me up and carrying me to the hospital, later Temari came to the ward with Gaara.

When I finally had the baby I noticed how much she looked like Gaara, but she had Temari’s eyes.

“You can name her Gaara.” I smiled.

“Aiko.” He said as he picked her up and looked at her.

“I like it.” I grinned.

A couple of years later we had a little boy who I named Kimimaro after my brother, after that Gaara and I decided to stop seeing as he didn’t like seeing me in pain which I agreed to seeing as I was happy with two kids.

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