Thriller: Game Of Death: The Scarlet Lady

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Hey Everyone! Here's a new one:)

Title: Game Of Death: The Scarlet Lady

Author: ScarletGameWriters

Description: Four girls are being tortured by a woman dressed in scarlet. Melissa, Sarah, Alia, and Mona were once best friends, but a decision they made ruined them forever. Now, they have to attempt to kill each other or else their loved ones will die. Each of the girls thinks it is just them that are being threatened, but they soon find out that someone has it out for all of them. Sure, they could just tell the police, but then their deathly little secret will get out. It's that secret that is holding the group together, but also what is driving them their death should I say. The Scarlet Lady knows their secret and she's making more. They think they're such great friends, but would good friends try to kill each other? Each secret is like a move on the game board. Not to the end, but to fulfilled vengeance. When will the Game of Death end?

GRADE: A++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

This story is one of the BEST stories I have ever read on Wattpad! It's got mystery, suspence, thrill, crime, romance, teen fiction, humour and every other genre you can think of!

The plot is AMAZING!! It's sort of like Pretty Little Liars, but the twist adds a whole new dimention that just puts this a tad bit above the brilliant Pretty Little Liars.

The flow is awesome! In the beginning, I thought it was moving a bit too fast, but then after reading the first 3 chapters, I realized it was just the beginning:D

The plot is so original!! Even though it resembles PLL in some things, it still manages to hold its own and be brilliant.

Also interesting about this is that it's written by 5 people under the name ScarletGameWriters My point is, they upload really quickly which is a plus!


INTERVIEW(By the representative of the group):

1) How long have you been writing?

TheFourGameWriters: I've been writing since I was about eight years old. Of course, the writing I had back than wasn't very good, but you have to start somewhere. I've been writing fiction since then. I've finished one book, and was offered a publishing contract for it, but I passed it I turned to Wattpad and here I am now with Game of Death: The Scarlet Lady. I'm only one of the game writers, though. There are five of us and all contribute something to the story.

2) Why should your story be read?

TheFourGameWriters: Well, for me it is really something new to write. I'm used to writing about magic, powers, shape shifters and things like that, but when I got the idea for this story I couldn't pass it up! I think it's really something different for people to read. It captures the lives of four teenage girls and also the horrific, thriller torture an anoynomous Scarlet Lady is putting them through into one story.

3) What inspired you to write this story?

TheFourGameWriters: I was inspired by the TV show Pretty Little Liars a little, but to be honest...I got the idea when I was brainstorming and pacing around the yard. Somehow, this is what I came up with.

4) What do you hope your readers get out of your writing?

TheFourGameWriters: Entertainment, inpiration, a couple shocks, thrills, and horror! I think there is the perfect balance of it all in Game of Death.

'Game Of Death: The Scarlet Lady' by ScarletGameWriters

It was a pleasure reviewing this! A brilliant story I definitely recommend!

Till next time people!

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