The first mission

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I see Liam waiting for me panting. I run to him. He sees me and runs to me hugging me lifting me off my feet by my waist. I smile as he sets me down. We kiss quickly.

"Thank gods your alive" he says kissing my forehead.

"Yeah you too"

"How was your test like?"

"Oh not much really just some chasing and killing and jumping and screaming" I say with a energetic voice. He looks at my side. It's stopped bleeding I love you blood cells.

He touches it lightly. I grit my teeth a little.

"Does it hurt?" He asks

"Slightly" I lie. It hurts like a being burned by a stove times three. I hear a loud clap. The clapping continues at a constant pace.

"Well done" Sïx says. I can barely pronounce his name. "It seems that you two have survived according to you results which will determine your ranking Cassidy you scored a 5 which is above average and Liam you scored a 4 just as I expected from a person like you"

"What does that mean..." Liam asked.

"Your find out later" Sïx says with a cunning laugh. I look at the monitors it has numbers on it next to our names. I don't know what the numbers mean probable from our test.

"Now darling" he says wrapping a arm around my shoulder. I brush his hand aside. He smiles putting his hands behind his back. "5 is a very good ranking you're the same rank as A girl named Ella"

"How nice" I said not really sure of myself.

"As for Liam you scored just a hint above 5 you are the same rank as a boy named Kyle" Sïx says smiling. "Anyhow I'll leave you two to be." He disappears into the elevator.

"Good job" Liam says to me. His hands are shoved deep within his pockets.

"Um thanks you too" I say smiling.

He looks at me with a shy smile. We walk silently to the elevator.

"What's wrong Liam?"

"Oh nothing just thinking about stuff"

"Liam seriously tell me what's wrong" my voice turns serious.

"I've always thought that I was the good guy that the umbrella was the good cooperation" he says with a sigh.

"Oh." I look down as the elevator slowly rise. He smiles at me putting a arm over me. I rest my head on his shoulder. He slowly strokes it with his other hand. I look at him and he looks back at me. He leans in kissing me slowly. I smile as I kiss him back. I feel him smile back. His hands cup my face drawing small circles on my cheek.

The elevator lurches to the side knocking Liam and I to he ground. We laugh loudly. He's looking at me using his elbow to prop himself up. He looks down at me smiling only centimeters between us. I can feel the rise and fall of his chest. I lift my head pressing my lips against his. I try to jimmy from underneath him. His arms square me off from escape. He rolls over holding my arms so that I'm now on top of him. He hugs me tuning me over so that I'm looking at the elevator ceiling but still laying on him. I move slightly so that half of my body is on him the other half on the ground.

The elevator screeches and stops. We look at each other. Liam shrugs and kisses me again. It's okay it's not like I have anywhere important I need to go. I sit up pressing my hand on his chest. He sits up too wrapping his arms around my stomach. He kisses my neck slowly. My hands come up behind me cupping his face in my hands. I feel around his face being careful that I don't poke his eye out. I lightly scratch the scruff on his chin. He kisses my fingers. I can feel him smile wider. He lightly bites my finger tips.

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