The test

12 2 0

(Sïx pronounced sigh,ex and cero pronounced sheer,oh)

I look around. The walls are a shade of white. People walk by in black suits or dresses carrying matching suit cases. There are brown leather chairs and a glass coffee table in the center. Next to me there are more clear tubes with people standing in line waiting to go up.

There is a Starbucks past the sofas and tables. There is a narrow hallway on each side of the room. Harry stand on one side of me and Liam on the other. Harry guides us to the left hallway. There is another room. In this one the ceiling is the same color a tiled ceiling. The floor is carpeted like the last room. A black carpet that looks quite soft. There is a wooden desk like a receptions desk. Here are two ladies dressed kind of what looks like the people at airlines wear.

They are filing through papers. Harry leads us to them tapping his finger on the desk loudly. They look up at him and smile.

"Oh Harry how nice to see you again how can we help you?" they both say in a flirtatious voice.

"I need to see Sïx" Harry says.

"Okay can do" they both say one of them pressing a button on the phone. I look at them upon closer observation they're twins. That kind of explains the unison thing.

"You may go up now." they say. Harry nods at them silently thanking them. He leads us to some elevators that takes us up to the 2nd floor. I see that right now we are at the lobby in the -15th floor. The elevator music makes me sleepy. Finally we reach the 2nd floor. The elevator pulls into his office. There are 2 red velvet colored sofa chairs angled towards a dark wooden table.

There is a black chair like ones in a office that has wheels. The back of the chair is too tall to see if anyone is sitting in it. On the desk is a golden name plate with the name Sïx.

There is a metal container holding pencils and such. There is a stack of papers in the center of the desk and a lamp near the edge of the desk. There is a white mug with steam coming from it.

The room is big behind the desk is a wall with windows covering it. It let's in sunlight but the sunlight doesn't get into my eyes. It must be some different glass material. The chair turns the back now facing the window. There is a man in the chair. He wears a black tuxedo jacket and pants with grey vertical strips. He wears a fedora win the same pattern as his suit.

His hair is brown there is a curl in his hair. He has abnormal purple chrome eyes. He smiles a toothy smiles his canines look sharp very sharp.

"Welcome" his voice booms rough the room.

"Sorry to intrude but I have bought new comers" Harry says bowing his head. The man looks us over. He grunts pulling out a pipe from a drawer in his desk. He puts it between his lips lighting it. He breaths it in. All is silent almost too silent.

"I have made my decision" he says crossing his fingers. "The new comers may stay, only if they can pass...the test" I can see Harry now trembling.

"But Sïx you cat do that" Harry says

"Oh can't I Harry you have to remember I have higher ranking then you" he laughs a bold laugh.

"If you must"

"Oh I must see where these new comers will rank we will start right away, oh rude of me my name is Sïx. Your names new comers I will learn after you pass." He says with a smile as bright as the sun. His smile blinds my vision for a moment. I see Liam rubbing his eyes also blinded by Sïx's smile. He claps his hands twice. The room goes dark including the widows. On the floor is lights gesturing me and Liam towards the elevator. I cat see Harry nor Sïx. Liam stands besides me. He slips his fingers through mine as we walk into the elevator. The elevator takes us down past the lobby and much further then I would ever travel underground.

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